**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Did anyone get in without the glitch

@jumpyjump Yeah Iā€™m just mad that Iā€™m still on the waitlist, canā€™t believe you were on the waitlist with a 1560

@MathBoy20 I havent been looking too closely at which users got in. did you get in? with those stats it looks extremely promising

Nope, I withdrew my app. Off to Carnegie Mellon with me

welp looks like i wasnā€™t good enough even with my high stats
time to become a plumber

are yall gonna try to transfer?

Oos L&S no glitch. I got in off the UCLA waitlist but rejected that offer and I will probably withdraw from berkeley as well. My family decided we canā€™t afford it:/

Nah, Iā€™m going to UCSD for bioengineering, which is a really great major for the school! Iā€™m sad I wonā€™t be able to join friends at UCB but oh well. Whatā€™s done is done.

GPA 4.7 weighted, 4 unweighted, 1590 SAT, good resume, good essays,multiple national awards and conference paperā€¦I am still waitlisted in 2nd wave for IS CoE. There is no glitch, no update. I am not sure what else could have been done to get in to UCB. I am proud for everyone who got accepted. I expected some balanced student representationā€¦I guessā€¦

if i dont get off of UCB waitlist iā€™m also going to UCSD!

Eyyyy!! What college are you in?

@senllri warren hbu?

@eee2618 ahh, Iā€™m in sixth. Itā€™s a struggle looking for a roommate for sixth :sweat_smile:

@senllri darn, good luck though!

Just checked CC after many days. Welp, things are still the same for me. International, L&S.

I SIRed into UCSD but I still kept my British options open. I feel like Iā€™ll just go to UCL in London instead as itā€™s extremely prestigious itself.

Is it possible to transfer to Berkeley from UCSD?

Just FYI there are 128 FYP spots left and 65 GE, I just checked. Also, I am probably not going to take a spot at UCB so as soon as Iā€™m sure, hopefully it opens up a spot for one of you. Iā€™ll keep updating available spots on here until Iā€™m sure.

OOS LS northeast didnā€™t get off. Berkeley can suck my dick

The thing about most of the UCs is that Iā€™m pretty sure only your admission officer assigned to your area reads and decides the applicantā€™s fate. My good friend got an email that said "Before we get started, we wanted to share a special message from the admissions officer who read your application! " That implies the admission officer assigned to your area was the only one who read your application. The flaw about this is that the people who decide the waitlist acceptances could be admission officers from other areas and if those AOs already read the application of those that they waitlisted, I feel like they will be obligated to accept those instead of people that they havenā€™t seen yet. Also, a person that might have seemed viable as a candidate to be accepted from the waitlist for one admission officer might not even be a consideration for another AO. This was the conversation that my friend and I had, so please donā€™t think this was the case here. It just looks unfair to me because I thought they would maybe have maybe 2-3 readers for the applications. However, since UCs get a lot of application it makes sense why they split up the work and not have a whole committee decide. Maybe you guys already knew this, but I wanted to say something about this because it seems really unfair since some people who got accepted to Cal probably werenā€™t even going to go there and just wanted to see if they can get in or not. For almost everyone on this thread, we see Cal as one of the most prestigious schools in the whole world, and being accepted is a dream come true. However, being denied does not mean you are less smart or you do not have the qualifications to succeed in life. I think we all know that Cal is very rigorous and while it may seem a blessing that someone was accepted, getting bad grades and flunking out of Cal is a reason why that getting accepted will never be the hard part. My brotherā€™s friend had a sister that failed all of her classes at Cal the first year and she had to go to a community college and get all As to make up for her lack of work. She was able to pull herself together and was allowed to return to Cal, but it just goes to show that getting into Cal means nothing if you arenā€™t willing to put in the work. A handful of those accepted every year will have the same thing happened to them, but I feel that those who canā€™t hack the pressure and the rigorous work are the ones who got lucky. I would have gladly attended the other UCs that I got accepted to, but my older brother graduated from there 3 years ago and I have visited it multiple times, and I know that the atmosphere and environment is one of the best suited for me. Also, itā€™s one of the closest UCs to my home so itā€™s very much a blessing that I was accepted.

I feel really sad now, literally cried in front of mom who really really wanted me to be accepted by Cal. I know that it is not the end of the world and wherever I go is just gonna be a brand new beginning and I will eventually accept everything. I just feel sad, my friends who took the same AP classes as me, got similar GPA of ~4.5 weighted, lower SAT and ACT stats than me got into Cal and UCLA and I got rejected by both. I guess that my essays werenā€™t appealing, and I feel it is the feeling that after comparison I am just not good enough makes me sad even more than the reality of rejection.

100% relatable pal. Youā€™re not alone! This feelingā€¦ it suckssss and you just gotta pretend everythingā€™s hunky-dory :cry: :cry: