**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

[AO name]
Mon, May 18, 11:53 AM
to me

Dear [Last Name],

As I am not in control of the final waitlist decisions for this year, I do not know how the process will differ from previous years. However, since there are unforeseen circumstances this year, I would highly recommend you to not opt-out of the waitlist until you are accepted or denied. Every individual that opted into the waitlist will have a thorough review of their application and will have a status update before June.

All the best,
[AO name]

[AO Name]
UC Berkeley, Office of Undergraduate Admissions
110 Sproul Hall, #5800, Berkeley, CA 94720

My sister asked her admission officer a question and after 2 weeks she responded. I really hope my sister gets in. It would be so nice to go to school with her. Also, for everyone here please donā€™t opt-out of the waitlist if you really want to go. I didnā€™t want to put our AOā€™s name bc I donā€™t know if they wants everyone to see this.

got in off the waitlist today! traditional pathway is unavailable to me so iā€™ll probably go with fall program for freshman. anyone know anything about it? also, if i accept this waitlist offer, is it binding? (basically, if i get off the waitlist for another school can i reject this and accept that offer?)

Hope this is helpful to those hoping for 3rd wave. There will definitely be another wave, even if not a big one because some of us wonā€™t be accepting our Berkeley spots.
Good luck!

FPF: 96 spots open
GE: 64 spots open

@nkaoetn381 How did you contact your regional AO?I would appreciate if yo could share.

Does anyone know what would happen if all of the available spots in the FPF and GE pathways run out? I was accepted today but havenā€™t accepted my offer yet, and the number of spaces keeps going down. Could my offer be rescinded if I donā€™t get one of the spots in these pathways?

ā€œWhat if the first two waves were just to ensure FPF/GEL and the third wave is for the people who will be offered the traditional pathway?ā€ - What my clown a** was thinking after I was spurned yet again.

Who am I kidding, I need to stop acting like such a dumb simp. I wonā€™t pull out of the WL but I swear to god Iā€™m never coming back to CC ever again.

@jaffa1 please share any info you have about the third wave, anything would be appreciated lol

@ILikeDogs1234 I could just be optimistic but it would almost make sense. Itā€™s proven that their yield had gone way down as every other UC had, so I donā€™t understand how they wouldā€™ve been able to fill out their entire class without admitting barely anyone traditional. idk probably just clowning, but we keep talking about how these people with higher stats are being left behind by people with lesser ones. Of course, itā€™s very holistic, but ngl I was very confident in my waitlist essay and I have relatively higher stats but still on the waitlist. I know I know false hope whatever but someone make it make sense cuz it donā€™t. At the same time it would be very unproductive for them to fill out traditional spots last considering they kinda need those spots filled and the later we get into May, the more set people will be on their own schools and not their waitlist opportunities.

I would love to hear from @jaffa1 to see if you could provide some clarity on where the traditional route is at, of course only if you have the info rather than speculation. but I would also love to hear what anyone else thinks about this. I dont wanna beat a dead horse but this process has been especially wack and I need some answers

I got off the waitlist today, or actully yesterday. I am going through an exisntital crisis and alot of things have been going on that really changed my perspective. There are things that are way more important in life than colleges, not saying itā€™s not important. Also just to keep in mind UCB is pretty friendly to transfer students, and transferring is a lot less random from what the folks i have looked at. Please donā€™t get down by this. Not getting into a college may sting, but itā€™s far better than so many of other obstalces everyone will face in life.
I am oos L&S
GPA (not UC): 3.74 UW and around 4.2 W
SAT: 1550 & 1520
Decent Ecs but not many exceptional awards.
I hope these help

guyssss thereā€™s definitely a third wave bc thatā€™s also when they send out REJECTIONS- if one of the insiders know whether this will also include a lotta acceptances or if the 3rd wave will follow last yearā€™s example, pls let us know.
weā€™re all simps for berkeley lmao, iā€™m proud of this thread for outdoing it in every way possible.
special shoutout to @jaffa1 and @scrambro for your inside information, speculation, and everything else
iā€™m forcing myself to close this tab until at least next week but weā€™ll see how that goes. still gonna have some hope for the third wave but i think itā€™s time for me to fully fall in love w UIUC. see yā€™all later :slight_smile:

@wannabebear lol @jaffa1 has confirmed before that wave 3 is acceptances this year

Wait its gonna be like a normal wave of just acceptances like the second and first wave? I mean theres probably gonna be 50 L&S spots left so its gonna be a pretty tiny right?

My S, oos, got off yesterday.
Does ā€œ admitted for the fall semester of 2020ā€ mean the traditional pathway, not FPF?

Hey - I got off the waitlist in the first wave, and ended up doing a decent amount of research (e.g. talking to people there) on FPF - so DM me, and I may be able to help.

Net Result - Itā€™s not a problem

"admitted for the fall semester of 2020ā€ does not mean the traditional pathway. You have to check it on line from your sonā€™s first year pathways to get it.

Since several people have asked about contacting his/her AO, I thought I would share my experience. And apologies in advance for this being long.

I contacted my AO sometime shortly after the waitlist opt-in deadline. I did so because I had never met him and am in a unique situation in terms of schooling, which I thought needed some explanation (I transferred schools my junior year due to relocation, and since traditional schools in the area didnā€™t meet my academic needs, I enrolled in an online high school, but actually took classes at a university affiliated with the online school. Before then, I attended a well-known prep school in the East Coast where several kids went to UCB each year).

I kept my letter fairly short. First paragraph was a brief statement thanking him for keeping my dream alive of attending UCB. Second paragraph was about how attending UCB has always been my dream because it offers me the opportunity to pursue two of my passions at the highest level. Final paragraph talked about how I may not be the ā€œ most intelligent, athletic or artistic student to attend Berkeley,ā€ but ā€œwhat my future classmates and teammates can expect from me is someone who will support them to the best of my abilities.ā€ Here, I gave concrete examples of how I would contribute to the campus both in and out of the classroom as I have done so at the current university (things I forgot to mention on my EC because I didnā€™t think much of it initially, such as taking notes for students with disabilities in the classroom or tutoring fellow student athletes).

Iā€™m not sure if my letter helped, but I got in during the first wave. Having said, I searched for my AO using the link below. Once I got his name, I googled it using his full name + Berkeley and was able to find his work email. Hope this helps and good luck to everyone!


Here are my stats:

  • SAT - 1480 (780M/700 V) - took it once in the spring of sophomore year
  • GPA UW - 3.98
  • Have taken 48 units of college courses including Calc III, Linear, Discrete, and Differential, Physics (Mechanics and E/M), Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition (3rd year college level Spanish), Advanced First Year Composition , etc.
  • 2 AP sophomore year - BC Calc (5) and European History (5)
  • My ECs are not extensive, but they are focused and related to my passions and my personal situation
  • I think my initial essays were not the best, only because many of the UC questions didnā€™t resonate with me, but I really like my waitlist essay.

Can someone pls review the dorms, as in from best to worst? It would be really helpful.

Update on spots availableā€¦

FPF: 83
GP: 65


So GEL went up ??

this thread is insane. 157 pages. iā€™m sure itā€™s more than any waitlist discussion for any college ever, yall deserve to get in just for that