**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

There are 3 pathways for undergraduate admission - traditional, fpf (fall program for freshman), and ge (global edge). As previous posts have mentioned traditional spots are pretty much full at this point. There are roughly 140-150 ge and fpf spots remaining. Fall program for freshman is like the traditional (regular) pathway but you start in smaller and less stressful classes. Check out UC Berkeley’s website for more info. Global Edge is like the traditional pathway except you have to study abroad at Berkeleys London campus for one semester (in order to give UCB time to get their housing situation together). This is also on Berkeley’s website.

Really hoping the third wave is not too small :frowning:

Brotha I feel you. I’m the one poor b*stard left on the waitlist from my school and it’s killing me. It’s the risk we took when we applied to such a popular major. Keep in mind that no matter where we go, we’ll be set as long as we do well, especially in CS.

BTW EECS doesn’t have FPF or GEL bc it’s in the school of engineering. It’s traditional or bust.

speaking of engineering, is anyone else here a bioengineering major?

@ILikeDogs1234 wait if that’s true, as an engineering major, I have no chance to get in cuz earlier someone said all traditional pathways were full? Well then, expecting a rejection soon. :slight_smile:

@jamesNoa I heard that from someone too… I’m not sure how all the traditional pathways are full? But what do we know… I’m waiting for that rejection too :frowning:

Does anyone know when everyone will get rejections? UC says all decisions will be 100% out by late June but I feel like that’s a little too late… I hope it comes out soon before like June 1

Wait, how do we know there’s no traditional spots left. I thought there were for sure traditional spots left, because for one, we know Berkeley under enrolled. Secondly, UC Berkeley will almost certainly fill FPF and GEL this wave. They still are for sure having a third wave. A decently sized one almost certainly. In 2018 Berkeley had a very small third wave of acceptances, based on students from the second wave rejecting their offer. However, in 2018, appeal decisions were released after the second wave of WL acceptances. Suggesting the third wave was indeed a function of the second wave in 2018, and was not at all guaranteed. We’re sure, however, that there is a third wave, independent of the second wave, as both an insider has said that and appeal acceptances haven’t gone out.

This means Berkeley has additional spots somewhere. An admissions officer even said previously on this thread “don’t withdraw because of the unprecedented circumstances.” They definitely have spots somewhere, and that’s not dependent on wave 2 admits declining the offer. This is very clear.

Those spots may be accounting for the summer drop in admissions, and/or students leaving for other WLs.

Still holding on to this minuscule hope of a possible third wave. Even if the hope is small and I am really happy with where I am going right now, I still wish for the chance to go to my dream school. Hoping that as an international student, there is still, even the slightest, chance of being accepted into CoC.

i really feel you :frowning: CoC has been my dream for so long and this waitlist is just drawing out the pain

i know this isn’t the appeal thread but i was wondering if berkeley will accept a lower amount of appeals this year (last year they accepted 24 i believe) because they’ll refer more from their waitlist? yet based on this thread i do feel like the waves have been smaller so would the waitlist wave sizes have an impact at all on appeals?

Wait, I’m pretty sure an insider had confirmed that there will be a third wave this coming week (although no one knows how large).

Hi, do anyone know when is the releasing date for waitlist?

IS MSE major here. Hoping for a good sign in the near future; I’m sure Cal AO’s are stressed about all the factors going into this year’s admission/waitlist process just as we are stressed about getting a decision. I would do anything to get an education here; orgs, professors, classes, students, everything is perfect! Hoping we will get what we want and godspeed to all.

@dwjdoiwejd an insider said that the third wave will be coming out this Monday or Tuesday

I wouldn’t get your hopes up for Monday or Tuesday. The insider also said prior to the second wave that they needed 3 business days after the last wave’s SIR date to make the next wave complete. By that logic the next wave would be the 28th since the SIR date for the last wave is the 25th.

the deadline for us who got off on the 2nd wave is may 25th, 11:59 pm, so this monday. i wouldn’t expect anything till wednesday/thursday, but im rooting for all of you! for anyone who hasn’t chosen a pathway yet, can you see how many fpf+gel spots are available?

what is wrong with cal tho:( . LA taking literally everyone off from all the diff colleges and probably sent like at least 13 waves already

anyone else committed to UCLA

Hi, I am from India and waitlisted in EECS…want to know if there is a possibility of being accepted off the waitlist in August - September? Could it be that some accepted students donot pay Fall Admission fee and the place gets opened up for waitlisted students…just speculating that such a situation may come up this year!

EXTREMELY unlikely that you will get off the waitlist as late as aug-sep. UC officially says all waitlist decisions are released by the end of June.