**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

how are you guys so sure that there will be a third wave? it looks like a majority of spots are already gone. Appeals could’ve been sent out already and no one of the appeal forum got accepted. if there is a thrid wave, I have a feeling that it will be very small. The next wave is probably the rejection tbh.

@nitwittttttt Insider info and lack of appeals. Not just this forum, but there has literally not been a single appeal acceptance post across the internet, which is insane. There’s always at least 1 on Reddit and/or CC, usually significantly more because of how high the impact is of the decision.

Insider info confirms third wave. We don’t know how large, so it could be small. The number of open spots fluctuates dramatically, and the current values can easily change come May 25th if a bunch of people pull their decisions.

Overall, you could be right, you’re not wrong. This is Speculation Zone™️ and nothing is certain. However, based on current data and evidence, things are looking somewhat good for the third wave / appealers.

I just checked my portal today and I now have the four address glitch. Does this mean a wave of some sort (acceptances or rejections) will be released today? Also, does anyone else have it? I’m waitlisted for CoE.

Four address glitch has been proven to not mean anything. I do not have it. Highly unlikely that a wave will come out today. Most likely the third wave will be Wednesday-Thursday.

Does anyone have any update on the number of spots left for LS (fpf and GE)

@nemo56 My son got the four addresses glitch over the weekend and now it changed back to two addresses…I know it does not necessarily mean anything, but it does seem like there will be some updates soon…

@nemo56 Is he from IS CoE?

Four address glitch most likely means that an AO was reviewing your file. It only seems to occur in the days leading up to a wait list admission wave.

My son had the address glitch in Early april twice. If you go back to the class of 2023 and 2022 boards, you’ll see the exact same speculation about the addresses, and the exact same conclusions - being that there is no correlation. They are certainly continuing to work on the waitlist. And so far the waves have been spaced out similarly to what they were in previous years. If they are staying on track, they will release a third wave on Thursday.

Spots remaining:

FPF: 18
GE: 64

Is this for LS or overall?

Wow 18 spots rip

@GoldenBoy95 My Berkeley portal now shows 16 spots in FPF and 64 spots in GE. I assume it’s what is remaining for available spots in L&S. I am not going to Berkeley so have not taken a spot but there is no way to opt out. You can only commit to attend, so anyone who is not going to commit from this wave will just time out tonight at 11:59pm.

Thanks. Does anyone have an idea of how this stacks up against the third wave from last year’s waitlist?

I’ve never had a single glitch on my portal other than the FAQ one and I got off, THERE IS NO CORRELATION. For the last time.

wasn’t the deadline for SIR tomorrow 11:59 pm because it came out last Tuesday?

@kash123 Reminder email I received today is that my deadline to commit is tonight at 11:59pm (PT) and I was accepted in the second wave so I assume everyone’s is the same.

13 FPF spots
GE 64 spots


when’d you happen to get the email? Wondering if we’ll see a surge in committments

@WCWSM52 you can still withdraw your application. under the MAP page, under account tools on the lower right, you can select “Withdraw Application”. I don;t know if that works, but you might want to get on it ASAP, so you can free up a spot before they lock in their WL offers for wave 3.

How is it possible for there to be a third wave with only 13 FPF spots open? Seems like the class is full.