**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Exactly what i was thinking. Seems like there will be a negligible amount for Berkeley to consider taking off a significant number of people by the end of tonight

Also, isn’t there currently a travel ban in place to and from the UK for an undefined period of time? How does it make sense that they are offering Global Edge?

@collegeappacc email reminder came at 4pm PT today
@scambro thank you for the withdraw intel - I found it!

what do you mean 13. 13 fpf and 64 GE which is 79 spots left still lol.

Those 64 GE spots are in London, where there is a travel ban, which is why almost no one has accepted GE. They will most likely have to cancel GE altogether. That leaves 13 spots.

Is the travel ban enough to make UCB cancel GE completely? Like in the next few months there might be some developments that could possibly make it work

I applied to some top British schools as well. I didn’t accept or decline them yet as the deadline is in mid June. All of these schools keep sending me emails stating that in spite of everything going on, my arrival to the UK for the fall will not be affected and that I should apply for housing and everything. So maybe within the next few months, as fall semester draws nearer, the ban may be removed or some form of solution will be provided for foreign students. So I guess GE might still work.

Guys, help me understand - if people who are accepting now, dont submit the full fee in August (i mean they decide to drop out) due to prohibition of travel - will the waitlist queue open up again?

@fromindia at some point, the waitlist will be dissolved. Traditionally this happens around June 1st. This year could be different, but so far UCB has pretty much stuck to its standard timeline.

thanks so much, I think my chances of making it are bleak then - EECS - any idea if there are open spots?

Hey Guys, I’m new to this thread. Can anyone please tell me how UC Berkeley updates you on an acceptance/rejection from the waitlist?. Thanks.

I believe they will send you an email

Do you guys think the third wave come today?

Most probably tomorrow or the day after

whats up yall i’m back after a week. still keeping my fingers crossed for the third wave i think we’re all going to know where we stand by thursday. happy graduation everyone!!

Ok, so I just got off the phone with an insider, he said that there is a third wave but it will be extremely small to fill up the rest of fpf. sorry guys, I hope you all liked your original colleges. College doesn’t define you.

That’s depressing

Welp. UCSD, here I come! :disappointed:

Just enough to fill FPF? Or GE + FPF?

Just enough to fill FPF? Or GE + FPF?