**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I kinda doubt another wave is gonna happen with how small this one was

i dont think this “wave” was considered a wave lmao. prolly like a few people got in but I am not gonna jump to can’t conclusions till I get notification directly from berkeley

I asked for the exact date of rejection letters and got this response:
“We don’t have an exact date for when the class will be finalized. A message will go out to students letting them know the class is finalized and wait list offers are no longer going out.”

this is j cruel at this point. its been 7 months.

i got into berkeley at 2:58 today

Even if we aren’t getting rejections just yet, I think it’s probably better for all of our mental health if we move on. If we get in later, that’s great but if we don’t, it shouldn’t be detrimental to our wellbeing. Waiting is tiring and it stresses all of us out. I will not be withdrawing but I am going to try to restrain myself from checking this forum any longer. There are much bigger issues in the world right now that I should be focusing on. Thank you to everyone on this forum - y’all have made it easier for me to deal with being waitlisted! :slight_smile:

@nwolter - congrats dude!!! btw do u mind telling us if u were IS or OOS and ur major

It’s not over yet. I got a reply from the AO:

“We will notify all applicants on the waitlist by the end of June. We appreciate your patience!”

im oos and applied as a french major

I mean if GL and January are the only two options left, and GL is suspended, we basically have no chance of getting in anymore

I think they’re doing this for summer melt and the difficulty international students are having getting student visas

Not sure if this will help anyone, but I was told today that I’ll be moved to the traditional path (since I’m an athlete), which should open up a FPF spot.

Can someone ask their AO or admissions office what will happen to the GEL spots given that the program has been suspended? Because if the GEL spots are just converted to January enrollment then I think I’m going to withdraw

@griffen14 I think they probably will be converted to January enrollment but I’ve never gotten a response from my AO so I don’t know

yall get an email?

Just got an email from Berkeley saying this -

Thank you for opting to remain on UC Berkeley’s wait list. At this time we are unable to offer you admission to UC Berkeley but in the coming weeks, there is a possibility of additional spaces becoming available. We anticipate notifying all students of their waitlist status by the end of June, 2020.

I got an email about getting notified later this week…

Anyone else get an Email update right now??

yup i just got deferred from the waitlist lmao

Just got an email saying that they are unable to offer me a spot right now but that there is a possibility of spaces becoming available in the coming weeks. I’m guessing most of you got this too right?

Yep. Bless you Cal for not rejecting us :slight_smile: