**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Covid 19 : https://sa.berkeley.edu/covid19/fall2020

This is just a lot more of “we don’t know yet”.

or “we can’t speak on that”

yeah, i felt like this chat session was a lot more negative than usual tho.

@nitwittttttt negative in what way?

The chat is meaningless and of no value. I think less of UCB now. Had interactions with Georgetown and unlike UCB they’ve been responsive and transparent. I expected UCB, as a public university, to be transparent. Sadly they’re playing a game.

@Sisternight i felt like the aos were quick to shut down hopes for wl or appeals during today’s chat


looks like they have revealed a big chunk of the plan for the fall

Check out this article:
Any thoughts on “Semester in the Cloud”?

What does “Students for whom living in Cal housing is their self-elected best option” mean exactly? Anyone has an idea? Thanks.

Just got an email saying that FPF is entirely online, small sections included:

“The Fall Program for Freshman (FPF) will take place remotely for the Fall 2020 semester
 In normal times, we are in a very nice building in vibrant downtown Berkeley. During this time of pandemic, however, we had to consider that it is a building shared with many colleagues and multiple offices, not all of whom are part of the university, which makes it all the more challenging to optimize for safety in this pandemic. 
 When we weighed this institutional strength against one of our major challenges, which is the relative difficulty of meeting public health guidelines in our existing facility, the decision became quite clear.”

I wonder if this means anything for the waitlist?

@Sisternight Good question. there are many implications here. For one thing, many, if not most FPF students may opt to not be on campus, now that there is no in-person instruction at all for them.
In regards to the WL, I have no idea. On the class of 2024 Parents page, there is a lot of griping about “how can they justify full tuition?!” etc. I don’t know how much of that translates into withdrawals or not.


Called the admissions office today. All they told me was that there were still kids dropping out to accept offers at other schools and to wait another 12 days. I’m so incredibly frustrated right now.

i feel like that just means we will get our decisions before June 30th and idk if it’s rly indicative of anything. it’s good to know that there will be some space available for us at the very least.

also, @xtanyax, may I ask how you were able to contact the admissions office? i thought they weren’t accepting calls rn but I might be wrong.

They accept calls Tuesday and Thursday 10 am to 12 pm.

could there be a wave today or would they wait another week?

Today no, because they are closed for Juneteenth

Any news or updates?