**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

If it’s all online, why not admit all the waitlisted students? If your waitlisted, doesn’t that mean you’re qualified, but there wasn’t enough space? Online should mean greater capacity, shouldn’t it?

No, no they can’t. How about when in-person becomes available?!!?!! How are they going to make space for all those students?

It will most likely be online the entire school year, so housing won’t be an issue. They can just continue to offer hybrid classes on an ongoing basis to increase capacity. This would bring in more revenue and provide greater access.

Realistically, it’s going to be online until everyone has been vaccinated.

From the UCB admin officer chat on the UCB site, one of the admin officers say that the decision may go to early-mid July. Sounds like our wait will be a bit longer.

This is really gonna suck if I have to wait until mid July to get rejected

@Sisternight What about the next school year? How on earth is Berkeley gonna fit all the kids from the waitlist on its campus? Your statement “Why not admit all the kids from the waitlist because it is online” does not make any sense because it will not be online for the next 4 years.

It could be a very long time until everyone is vaccinated. Hybrid online/in-person instruction could be here to stay. It would allow for greater capacity for the long term.

In the big picture of higher education, the hybrid learning model could have a democratizing effect by curbing skyrocketing tuition costs, increasing access to higher education, and counterbalancing the structures of elitism that are designed to protect a historically privileged class of people.

@Sisternight except that colleges are not giving a discount for online classes. Also, I think higher education is most unaffordable for the middle class these days.

colleges don’t care if you can afford it or not. They are running their own brand and business and Berkeley is a good example of this. Also, someone asked on the live chat the other day if they would make room for more spots now that fpf and some other classes are online in which they replied no. I think the wl chances are just based on the summer melt and this travel ban.

This article makes my point better than I have:


Excerpt from this article:

"What is the core mission of higher education? That’s the question we need to ask right now. In my view, the answer is simple: As educators, we strive to create opportunities for as many students as possible to discover and develop their talents, and to use those talents to make a difference in the world.

By that measure, our current model falls short. Elite colleges talk about helping our students flourish in society, but our tuition prices leave many of them drowning in debt—or unable to enroll in the first place. We talk about creating opportunities for students, but we measure our success based on selectivity, which is little more than a celebration of the number of students we exclude from the elite-campus experience. We talk about preparing students for careers after graduation, but a 2014 Gallup survey found that only 11 percent of business leaders believed “college graduates have the skills and competencies that their workplaces need.” We talk about creating diverse campuses, but, as recent admissions scandals have made painfully clear, our admissions processes overwhelmingly favor the privileged few.

What if new technologies could allow us to understand the varied backgrounds, goals, and learning styles of our students—and provide educational material customized to their unique needs? What if we could deliver education to students via on-demand platforms that allowed them to study whenever, wherever, and whatever they desired, instead of requiring them to conform to the “broadcast” schedule of today’s education model? What if the economies of scale available from digital delivery allowed us to radically lower the price of our educational resources, creating opportunities for learners we previously excluded from our finely manicured quads? Might we discover, as the entertainment industry has, a wealth of talented individuals with valuable contributions to make who just didn’t fit into the rigid constraints of our old model?"

This is also a very interesting argument made by an NYU business school professor/Berkeley Haas alumn

I think realistically if you’re not admitted by now then you’re 90+ % not going to get in… let’s all just move on. Although these are unprecedented times, UCB just wants to give themselves room for summer melt. I doubt students will drop out to such an extent that it makes a significant difference to people currently on the waitlist

Dang Stanford just had a waitlist wave. Hope cal does the same

I got off the WL at another school and had a deposit down for Berekely. I withdrew a few hours ago since I know I’m not going there for sure, so hopefully, that opens up a spot for someone here. Good luck!

@derakiii33 How many schools did you make deposits at???

Any updates? With four days left in the month, I doubt they’re going to release anything before mid-July, if even.

In the admissions chat, I asked if the notification date would remain June 30 or be pushed back into July and they said it will not change. Hopefully, they stick to that and we get a final decision within the next 5 days.

Someone got accepted for a math major a couple of days ago on reddit so cal is still using the waitlist ig