**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@G31Zx2y That doesn’t mean anything! If you don’t SIR within a week they just find someone to replace you : ) Nice attempt to trigger people buddy!

Hey I am new but I been following this thread I also got of Waitlist for Nuclear Engineering.

@KardEShev - did u get off the wl yesterday?

@G31Zx2y Well seriously not much to brag about considering UCB has not only waitlisted you to waitlist you to waitlist you! Odd duck! Wasting your life and time hanging around to trigger others! :wink:

Yeah I got off yesterday around 10 pm I am in state

@KardEShev congrats! you were offered traditional?

Yeah EoC only have traditional

Is your SIR date July 8 too? @KardEShev

My child also was accepted yesterday, in-state CoE. To those still waiting, a parent’s perspective–my spouse and I both have advanced degrees, our older kids are college graduates. None of us got into our “dream” schools, but things have a way of working out. Getting this far shows that you are dedicated, talented and passionate about your education. You will be successful whereever you go to school.

Any L&S get off? Or is it over for us :frowning:

It seems like only COE people got off. Anyone know anyone that got off thats not in COE?

I think they released some sort of COE based wave. If they are releasing waves by college then hopefully they release a pretty big one for the people in L&S.

Hmm I think they just did it with whatever open spots they might have gotten but I could be wrong lol

Yeah the SIR is July 9th 11:59 pm

I meant 8th

@strawtree are you saying that there isn’t any open spots left?

nah they def have some more spots left. They wouldn’t have extended it till mid-July for this.

@nitwittttttt No no what I’m thinking is that there may be a couple of spots here and there and as others call in saying that they cant go to cal people will be notified one by one rather than a wave. This is all a guess so pls don’t think what Im saying is the ultimate truth

@KardEShev, Congrats! Are you in EECS instate?

No Nuclear Engineering but I am in State