**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@gamingftw453 i honestly think it will be mostly rejections. there will be a couple of acceptances for sure tho

@nitwittttttt - why do you think it is mostly rejections? The wl wasn’t really dependent on this ICE thing tho it may have played a role in giving us a higher chance of getting in. I personally think they may extend it or release an LS wave of acceptances.

lol @nitwittttttt they proceeded to backtrack to say an extension was possible

anyone think there will be a wave today?

@kash123 no lol

isn’t today supposed to be the last day for the WL unless they extend it again?

I think it’s by the end of the week if not today

I’m getting all my rejections from my other waitlists today. Seems like they were just waiting on the news on rules for international students. Expecting us all to see rejections soon.

@nervoussenior111 which other waitlists? SLO rejected today ik, which other ones?

Dang that sucks. Guess its time to move on. Good luck to y’all at whatever college your currently committed to.

@collegeappacc i got rejections from grinnell, american, and slo today.

@nervoussenior111 - the AOs on yesterday’s livechat pretty much confirmed that there is still more space for students and that they will be sending out some acceptances so I wouldn’t get our hopes so down just yet.

Had a rude admissions rep. tell me the day before yesterday that he could tell me absolutely nothing about when or even if decisions were going to be released this month. I always try to be as nice and polite as possible on the phone so the absolute audacity to jerk us around for so long and then be obnoxious when asked about it is mindblowing.

It’s called the waitlist for a reason. We just have to wait it out

I have tried to be optimistic as much as possible throughout this thread but I just came across an article that Berkeley released abt their newly admitted class. and how it was the most diverse class that they had admitted. There was a section in the article abt the COVID Impact and the Waitlist and to summarize it basically said something along the lines that they waitlisted a larger amount than usual but ended up only releasing two waves as their enrollment target did not really fall off. I was really dissapointed that they really extended the waitlist this long just for this. Personally, wasn’t expecting much but they definetely did not handle this well at all. other UCs like UCLA released like 9 waves and still extended their WL till the end of July so I have no clue how Berkeley pulled it off but hats off to them. Honestly just expecting a rejection at this point. They really played us fr.

Hello, I am new to this thread. I understand the wait is agonizing, but I sincerely hope that the committee is not done. I’ve seen couple engineers get off, which gives me some hope. I hope there are still openings left!

They must’ve hedged for drops in enrollment back in may tbh. We were just the extra extra safety net :frowning:

hey guys, I think I’ll withdraw, as I was offered admission to a school I love way more than the UC’s (udub). Honestly, if berkeley treats us like this rn, imagine what we’ll be when we get to their school. we’re not even a number, we’re less than a number to them. my family also has been doing much better financially, and udub isnt super crazy expensive

as a premed, i can’t imagine what it’ll be like at any UC to be honest. I was waitlisted at berkeley and la and sd(rejected). might only keep la. been so happy i dont have to go to ucsc!!

Gl to everyone who wants to go.



Released for all UC campuses.

@harvardptonwlboi CONGRATS!!

I’m heading to UDub in the fall as a premed too! Our program and research/clinical opportunities are really great. I remember reading a lot of your comments and posts, and really praying for you. So glad it worked out and excited to attend the same school as you!! I sent you a pm since we’re studying the same thing at the same school now, and think it’d be great if we could meet (virtually). You’re gonna do great things in college and med school!!