**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

whoever bj is from ao chat, u deserve a medal
my hero

i missed it omg why whatā€™d they say??

Was something important said in the admissions live chat?

I was on the AO live chat and can confirm that, as was reported before on this thread, the AOs said that they ā€œhopeā€ to make waitlist decisions by the end of the month. (The implication was clearly that they may not meet even that target and we could be looking at August, which by the way other schools, like Brown, are saying outright.)

So, seeing that this information was being provided on the live chat, I asked why they havenā€™t sent an update to this effect to the entire waitlist. I pointed out that the last we heard, the outcomes would come in mid-July. I had to ask this question four times, srsly!, because they would not answer ā€“ just said ā€œthanks for your patienceā€ and ā€œweā€™re doing the best we can in a pandemic.ā€ I tried to express our anxiety and stress at not getting basic communications that should take them a few minutes to send out.

It is maddening that when they knew they werenā€™t going to make mid-July, they didnā€™t have the decency to let us know. It would have saved us all a lot of anxious logging in hoping for an answer!

How are you guys contacting your AOs? I canā€™t find my AOā€™s email. And where is the AO chat thing?

@xtanyax https://www.pqe.io/chat/cwl_chat_iframe.html?widgetId=74a7ff2d-746d-421c-b047-89dbf7f3e334&position=center&offset=0&hostPageUrl=https://admissions.berkeley.edu/&popup=true

So Iā€™ve been keeping up with the Berkeley Admissions Officers live chat the past couple of days, and from what it seems like there is still hope. They arenā€™t able to share any information about plans they may have, but I truly believe such a prestigious university wouldnā€™t kick us to the curb and keep us waiting for no reason. We are just as qualified and deserving of being accepted as everyone who was given acceptance in March. Weā€™ve been waiting for so long but itā€™ll all be worth it in the end! I hope we all get in and are able to finally get past this bump in our road.

just got the official ā€œnoā€

Gg no re

if anyone got in let us know! super bummed but oh well.

yea kinda saw this coming rip

lol what a joke of a process. honestly glad iā€™m not going anymore

Looool fr

did anyone, 1 person at all, at least get in? I literally dc if I am rejected cause its been so long. HOWEVER, if not a single student reports getting in after all this ā– ā– ā–  then I would be mad cause they wasted everyones time and caused so much anxiety.

lol rejected but i feel lowkey happy about it. donā€™t get me wrong, I wouldā€™ve loved to go there but it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders

Exactly thatā€™s what iā€™m pissed about. Three things actually, they wasted our time and gave us anxiety by not providing ANY transparency, and held on the waitlist for 2 months to not accept a single LS??? Also how much they treasure their internationals is hilarious.

Yea saw this coming. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if no one got off. If they had spots open they wouldnā€™t have us waiting this long and would have accepted way earlier. Instead they just messed with us and had us stressed for so long. At least its over now rip

Iā€™m so relieved to finally be done with this but it also hurts way more than I expected it to at this point.

they still sent me a rejection even tho I withdrew :confused: @collegeappacc matters we got smth better going lol


Makes sense. Off topic but I was a huge fan of your live chat comments. Really entertaining and I felt was needed/deserved for some specific peopleā€¦

Look at this thread and scroll down to @lindyk8 's post for an example rofl.
