**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I read about the address changes on last year’s discussion page, and I’m a little confused…People were seeing 4 addresses instead of 2? Was it just their address appearing 4 times? Mine still shows my address twice…I’m assuming that was just a glitch last year, right?

I noticed that when I submitted my waitlist form, my emails changed to four emails, and then back to two. I suspect that whenever there is a change to your portal, for any reason, the four email glitch may happen (and then it eventually goes back to two). So, if Cal changes your status to accepted, you may see the four email glitch, for a while anyway.

I also read in the Class of 2023 waitlist thread that someone’s portal’s updated from saying “Decision FAQ” to “Acceptance FAQ” before she was officially admitted, so I would be on the lookout for that in y’all’s portals! My portal is still unchanged.

@hotcheetos33 @xtanyax Before the decisions came out on March 26, two of my friends and I had four addresses and one of my friends had two addresses. I got waitlisted and my other three friends were flat rejected so I don’t think there is any correlation with the addresses. But if you’re curious, I think the addresses change at night and then change back in the morning cause I’ve checked my portal at like 9pm and its had 4 addresses and then it changes back to two in the morning so it fluctuates. But again, I don’t think that has any correlation at least not as obviously as the admit FAQs

@homosapiens I totally agree that the addresses don’t seem to be an indication of acceptance…It seems to just be a glitch. The FAQ change seems more likely to have a correlation to acceptance, but I’m trying not to overthink things too much! Just really hoping that decisions come out sooner rather than later because this is killing me.

washu released some of their waitlist decisions today. More and more colleges have been releasing their waitlist decisions already before the May 1st deadline so I would assume UCB does as well. Hopefully, they come out within the following week.

What FAQ’s do you guys currently have? I only have the decisions FAQ. Is there supposed to be a waitlist FAQ on the portal?

@separatelayer I don’t remember this, how long did the 4 adresses glitch last?

Anyone have 4 now?

I have Decision FAQ under Status Update and then Applicant FAQ under helpful links – not sure which one changes but I really wish if any waitlists are going to admit me, they do it by May 1 so I don’t have to pay and potentially lose a fat housing deposit. Of course, that’s pretty unlikely

When you log on to your portal, at the top it says:



See status update below.
Questions? Click here for Decision Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


So, the “tell” last year was that this link disappeared. Then, when you went to “View Update” your waitlist letter was still there, but at the bottom, below the letter, there is a link that says “Application Decisions FAQ - March 26, 2020.” When you clicked on that, it originally went to the waitlist FAQs. But, if you were admitted off the waitlist, it went to accepted FAQs.

So, first of all, does anyone have 4 addresses right now, and does that matter for the decision?

Did anyone’s FAQ Change?

One thing that happened to my portal when I submitted was that they added an upload materials section under forms, and I’m assuming that happened to everyone. I don’t think the number of times my address was listed changed even when I submitted the WL form, and my address is listed 2 times now?

My number of addresses fluctuates depending on the time of day it seems like but right now it’s two. Under upload, I have a transcript listed since I uploaded a transcript instead of inputting my grades. My decision letter has stayed the same.

I still have 2 addresses and my FAQ is the same.

I think that the first round of waitlist decisions will probably be around May 7th as usual.

UCLA WL board was on fire today. Something about getttin locked out of the portal.

haha yeah the freshman WL portal was down for about half an hour while they released transfer acceptances. had me thinking they would release WL acceptances today

I agree with Sisternight abt the date, and as a long time lurker (who knows some ambassadors/interns in Cal Admissions) who went through the old thread since I’m bored and quarantined, let me add a few observations.

  1. Most Accepted Students from last year seem to be In-State and L&S - out of the rejected students, I only found one who was in state and L and S, who was rejected. Seems to be an anomaly. (May not have checked all, obviously)
  2. Marking FPF or GEL: It may have some determination, last year, many applicants whom marked it were offered it, and a couple of applicants who didn't mark it were offered it as well. The explanation for this is in the way the waitlist admissions work: Cal will see how many traditional spots they have left, and they will admit that many applicants who have not marked FPF or GEL. They will then look at how many FPF Positions they have available, and admit some of those applicants who marked FPF. The traditional admissions and FPF admissions then go on a first come first serve basis.
  3. Corona Virus: So honestly, based on this thread, we had many students note that Cal had admitted far less students from their in-state schools, while one OOS student noted that this year, Berkeley admitted the most students from his high school. Other top publics such as UW UMich UIUC and Georgia Tech, even UNC, as well as other UC's (SB and Davis) have began pulling a ton of OOS students from the waitlist. Berkeley hasn't started doing that yet. Based on what people have told me about the facebook group for UC Berkeley, many OOS/Int'l students are still enrolling at UCB. This may be because of what was already mentioned. Furthermore, UCLA, last year, decided to pull students off the WL on April 23rd, mainly OOS. Maybe Cal will pull a couple of OOS off next week, but I feel as though, based on what people have been saying, they might not.

They may have also underaccepted in general this year - Berkeley is constantly stressing about the fall enrollment, I feel as though they think they may not meet their overall student target.

  1. In Essence, In State L&S Always has a fairly strong chance of getting off Cal's WL, should get an offer. This year, I think they will admit a good amount of OOS L and S as well (something they didn't do as much apparently last year)

I think CNR and ENgineering and CoC should be better than usual, but I think L and S students, in state, or OOS should be getting an offer. Lower yield will mean more traditional spaces available, coupled with FPF and GEL Spaces, should work out for everyone.

This is just based on my observations, feel free to agree/disagree. Good Luck, everyone!

@ughhberkplz do u think CNR is more or less competitive to get in than L and S. I was waitlisted for CNR.

@phatdoggo I was waitlisted for CNR as well! I’m OOS

@ughhberkplz u give me hope thank u T^T