**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@chianger531 not necessarily. If they want to release it before May 1st, then they’ll have until Thursday. If they really want to call people’s bluff on whether or not they’ll enroll if admitted, then they would release them on May 1st and give us by 11:59 that night to accept.

I’m absolutely not saying they should do that if they were going to send out some WL acceptances before the SIR deadline. That would be needlessly cruel.

@WaitlistBoy that’s a really good point, I just hope they won’t keep us waiting for too long lol.

If they are on schedule as previous years it’s still gonna be out in a week ish so.

While I’m not sure whether or not Berkeley accepted more students in regular, note that schools widely varied in their response to COVID-19. The school I’ve committed to (Rice) accepted 2364 people last year and 2346 this year - they actually went down. Brown did as well. On the other hand, a school pretty similar to Rice, Vanderbilt, accepted 800 more students this year in regular than they did last year. If Berkeley acted like Rice, great news for us. If they acted like Vanderbilt, well, that’s no good

I know that a lot of sources are predicting that there will be a lot fewer international students coming to college in the US this year…Are there any international students in this chat who could share their thoughts on this? Are any of your friends cancelling plans to come to the US for college this year? I have seen a couple Reddit posts about how some parents of Asian students don’t want their kids to come to the US amid this chaos, which is such a bummer, but it would be understandable as many colleges are contemplating making our first semester online. If there are indeed fewer international students coming to the US this year, am I correct in assuming that they would compensate by accepting more OOS students because they would want to get as many people paying full tuition as possible? I noticed that UMich recently accepted a lot of OOS students from the waitlist, so I’m just contemplating reasons why that could be the case.

@hotcheetos33 I am an international student and none of my friends are holding off their plans to study abroad just yet. However, a lot of my chinese friends are worrying about coming to the US since the tension is a bit tight atm

International student here. Things are getting kind of shaky on the financial front, but our situation hasn’t been affected a lot yet. Regarding travelling and COVID-19, it’s a risk I’m willing to take for Berkeley and my parents support me with whatever decision I make. Although I’m comfortable with the school I’ve committed to, I’m really hoping that Cal works out because it has every single thing I want from my future college and more. My chances are fairly bleak being international and EECS but fingers crossed.

This is a quote from the Daily Bruin

“For some international students who need visas, the earliest they could get those is November"

It was a quote from a student. Is that timeline correct?

I don’t think anything’s set in stone yet, to be honest. I doubt even colleges themselves have any clue how to deal with this situation. I believe that may just be a tentative date set by the US embassies for the resumption of visa interviews and subject to change.

Hey, I’m an international student too. I have friends who got into top schools and ivies. Many of them have committed already and don’t seem like they’re planning to stay back. They seem to be okay with an entirely online fall semester. I don’t know anyone else who got waitlisted or accepted to Cal (about 3-4 people get into Cal from the entire country each year). But I do have friends who got into UCLA and they’ve all committed. I don’t really know how things will be this year to be honest. I got in everywhere else but got waitlisted at Cal, which is my top choice :frowning:

On a side note, I did read the waitlist threads of UCSB, Davis and UMich. Everyone who posted about getting off the waitlist were either international or OOS. It gave me a bit of hope but it still doesn’t confirm anything so rip.

@chianger531 @xtanyax @rifasanj Thank y’all sm for the info!! I was very curious about that, but I’m glad to hear that y’all would still be able to come to the US for college. It seems to be the case that Chinese international students are more worried than international students from other countries…Are any of y’all from China?

Even if there were a lower yield among international students, would it make any difference for in-state students? I doubt it, since those are two different tuition categories.
With a school like Berkeley, people are willing to put up with a lot compromises to attend.

I was trying to find approximately how many students UC Berkeley had admitted this year to figure out whether it was > or = to or < than usual.

I found this:

“Running this Saturday, April 18, through Friday, April 24, Cal Week will feature online live and pre-recorded video streams to give the more than 15,000 newly admitted first-year and transfer students a virtual space to learn about the richness of Berkeley’s academic and student life from current students, faculty and staff.”

With 14,700 freshman acceptances and 5000 transfer acceptances last year, they may have accepted less?

That’s what I think? It would be great if anyone had any idea

@hotcheetos33 Hi, I am from Korea and like all of us here, I am waiting for final decision. Though I am not Chinese, as Asian, I fully understand possible concerns and questions you might have.

Regarding enrollment, tbh as UC Berkeley is prestigious school, I don’t think not many international students will give up on Cal. However, at the same time, I think Cal at least did not over enroll this year, which should increase chances of us (wait list) this year. I hope we make it.

One of the concerns that I had going to United States (probably) was racism that Asians or any other race might face especially due to COVID 19. Obviously they are wrong and should not happen ever. I was also bit worried when I saw news regarding this, but at the same time, ‘racists’ are not the majority, but only few people in society. So, we can think positively about it. Also, like other uni, Cal’s society is very welcoming and international-minded community. Let’s think positive :smile:

*It seems like UC Berkeley’s wait list decisions were released starting from May 7th last year. Does anyone think they might start releasing before May 7th this year? If yes, approximately when do you think?

@sisternight I feel like if there were a lower yield among international students, UCB would most likely accept more OOS students to compensate in order to get more people paying full-tuition…They would also probably admit more international students than usual to account for the fact that many might not be able to attend. But it definitely wouldn’t affect in-state students in a negative way!! UC schools have a cap on the number of OOS/international students they can admit, so although less international students would probably mean more OOS students, it would not affect the amount of in-state students admitted at all. This is just my assumption, but I could easily be wrong…

Also, I think UC Berkeley is a different name brand than UCSB UC Davis or even UMich - PARTICULARLY to international students. Very Very few will forego a school like UCB - and international yield is already lower. As per my last post, they may have underaccepted, significantly this year. The yield won’t drop much, but will certainly drop atleast a little, due to a lot of people’s financial constraints. Many CA residents who were UC Bound may attend a CC then transfer, or they may attend a CSU for financial constraints.

I think a combination of everyth will lead to all in staters and a lot of OOSers getting off the WL. the number of instaters admitted should increase based on what I just said, and that being said, the one thing that 100% will NOT happen is number of instaters admitted going down.

Does cal always use up all of the cap room available for oos/international? If not, the difference may be that this year they go all the way to the cap limit for oos/international.

I’m an American living abroad so my situation is different - I’m definitely coming to the US for college because I don’t have to worry about visas and such. But from what I’ve seen in my school, I don’t think anyone is changing their plans to enroll.

@ethankd1 yeah, they typically always do

. The phrase “15,000 newly admitted first year and transfer students” is ambiguous. The phrase could also mean 15,000 first years and an unspecified number of transfer students. So Berkeley basically reveals exactly nothing,

@Sisternight hmm, hadn’t thought about that but I’m fairly sure the 15,000 represents both transfer, as well as freshman applicants , as that’s what it says. I don’t think it’s ambiguous enough to mean that a unspecified number of transfer students and 15,000 freshmen