**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I’ll give my situation in more detail haha. The executive for this international business program that i am apart of(extracurricular) personally knows someone on the admissions board which was how I was able to get this information. The most I was told is that it will be a very good year for admissions off the waitlist. I do not know how this will effect instate students specifically, but im hoping that @cjd114 prediction is correct

^ @zstargirl09

@hotcheetos33 thanks. Please don’t treat it as set in stone. There are factors I’m sure that I’m leaving out. The visa situation appears to be really unreliable right now. The pandemic really throws so many unpredictables into everything.

@collegecueen there is consensus on this board that OOS and INTL will have a high chance of getting in off of the WL. In state is less certain, but there are some signs that we could get a lot of activity there as well.

Man at this point I’d sell my soul to get in. Or at least break a toe to get a decision right now. Frick. Gotta say, the college application process was 100 times more stressful, depressing and drawn out than I thought it would be. Class of 2025 prepare yo souls.

@Dan2elCh5 - yea I feel your pain. Especially this year with the crisis there has been so much speculation and uncertainty. UCB is my dream school and I would honestly do anything rn to go.

@jaffa1 Could you ask your family friend what he/she thinks the likelihood for non-chinese international students this year would be? I get that intl/OOS acceptance will get a lot higher than expected, but 50% is different from a number like 95%. If it’s no bother that is.

@jaffa1 yeah, if you had any likelihood of how many will get off, in state as well, it would be helpful.

Also L and S vs Engineering, especially for instate vs OOS (since FPF has many spots)

^^ Or the date of when everything will be released!!:slight_smile: I’m feeling super hopeful for all of us!! If the acceptance rate is actually going to be higher than it has ever been, that means there will be good news for more than half of us…

@hotcheetos33 not every WL acceptee enrolls, so maybe even all of us!!

I hope so. Does anyone know how many people FPF enrolls? I’m probably not getting in traditionally if anything so I’m putting all my hope into FPF! Hopefully they take a lot of in-states as well as OOS/International

@homosapiens It Seems like the low international/OOS yield means that they will all be covered in traditional. Then the traditional spillover spots and all 700 FPF Spots are all ours. That’s why I think all L and S will be good

Theoretically, is the waitlist acceptance for L&S higher since Berkeley usually takes less Engineering students off the waitlist so that acceptance rate is skewed down? Everyone I’ve met (a grand total of 5 people) who were waitlisted as L&S at Berkeley last year and the year before did get taken off the waitlsit.

I feel like I won’t get in ‘cause I didn’t check FPF…

I’m getting more and more tensed. I know that I’m supposed to start falling in love with one of the schools that did accept me but all I do is watch “Day in the life of a Berkeley student” vlogs on YouTube.

Maybe it would’ve been easier to take a rejection, would’ve cried for a few days and moved on. But being on the waitlist makes me constantly think “hey maybe they’ll take you and you’ll get to go to your dream school! If they didn’t want you, they’d just reject you right?”

I hope all of these great predictions you all are making ends up being true. I want ALL of us to get off the waitlist, whether you’re in-state, OOS or international. I’ll be really disappointed and hurt if we don’t make it after all this crap.

How many people are even waitlisted for L&S? If there are hypothetically 700 spots in FPF, is that necessarily looking good for all of us if there are like 2000 L&S waitlistees.

@homosapiens you’re absolutely right, AND Berkeley engineering ALWAYS yields higher than L and S, the affect in yield is gonna be more dramatic for L and S, and we always have FPF lol

@collegeappacc wait does that mean good or bad news to people like me who’s waitlisted at CoE??


Berkeley CoE yield (49%) was actually only 4-5% higher than L&S yield (45%) last year, plus they clearly waitlist a lot more L&S people compared to CoE to compensate for lower yield, so I’m not sure how much of a difference L&S vs CoE makes.

I have an interesting question: if berkeley doesn’t rank their waitlist, how do they even choose who gets in first and who doesn’t?

Hopefully the last question: is there any chance that I am accepted but not to my intended major/program (mine is undeclared engineering)?

@chianger531 I think the waitlist accepts by major only as it is unranked. They pick based on institutional needs, ie if they need a MechE major, they will choose from their pool of MechE applicants. If there is room for more after every single quota for capped majors are met, then they might start handing out undeclared majors but I’m not sure. If your major itself is undeclared, I don’t really know if it will be easier or harder for you, but undeclared engineering is generally very competitive.