**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

does enrolling for FPF help ur chances?

UCB may very well stick with past practices and start the year with a smaller freshman class. The class will be filled in the spring term with freshman Inter Campus transfers. UCB has done this in the past in cirurmstances of unpredictable enrollment in the Fall.

Interesting option. However, UCB is already reporting a $200M hit from the pandemic. Strictly speaking financially, I don’t know if it is in their current playbook to proactively start the year with reduced tuition revenue.

@CaliBoy2024 But it stands to reason that this year, Berkeley needs way more tuition to compensate for the significant ($200 million) deficit they claim to be running due to Covid-19 (lost tuition and housing fees). I also read somewhere that they get more funding from the CA state government for enrolling more students, but don’t take that for a fact. In the past, UCB hasn’t had nearly as large of a deficit, so cutting enrollment targets made sense year-to-year (improved housing situation, decreased class size and acceptance rate improved UCB’s place in rankings, etc.), but because of the unprecedented loss in funding they are experiencing this year, I don’t think it makes sense for them to do this.

looks like we will know within this next week or so but I hope the WL is used deeply as predicted by many in this thread.

hope more OOS accepted due to Int’l may not come as some said

Son admitted UCSD econ, but still hope to get in UCB or UCLA

Wait guys, we literally heard that a Berkeley AO said the WL should be used heavily, as @kevadunn said, and also, @CaliBoy2024 when have they done that. it usually takes 2 years to transfer from a UC to another right.

It would also make absolutely 0 sense for them to start the fall with less students than they can have, and they will likely start with more due to the situation.

I highly doubt your assessment @CaliBoy2024 given what Chancellor Christ has said:

“Given the importance of fall enrollment to our budget picture, the campus is executing an aggressive approach to admissions, including a week of yield activities kicking off tomorrow with the start of a virtual Cal Week (in place of Cal Day, the well-known campus-wide welcome to our admitted students and community festival).

Having just recently emerged from several years of a budget deficit, we already find ourselves on a frail base, with increased reliance on revenue-generating strategies and philanthropy. After mitigation efforts, FY 2021’s deficit is projected to be in the range of $130-160 million.”

Given its frail financial situation, Cal simply has no choice but to make up its budget shortfalls for this year and next year with some form of revenue-generating strategy. The easiest way to accomplish that would be to have more students, especially ones who are willing to pay full tuition as OOS & international students. Realistically speaking, Cal also cannot rely on the state government for increased funding, as Sacramento will be facing massive budget shortfalls of its own due to decreased tax revenues along with increased Covid-19 related spending such as unemployment benefits.


For In-Staters, also due to the new OOS Cap rule, for every OOS student they admit beyond the cap, they have to admit 3 extra in state students.

I think they will have a lot of reasons and online will give them opportunities to overenroll

Damn I just read a UCLA article saying that they are going to mainly accept OOS and IS from the waitlist because the intl yield is crap from visa problems. I’m guessing Cal is also going to do the same. Press F Intl boys.


would you mind linking the article?


I agree. If I were an administrator, I would rather over-enroll this year and admit fewer students from class of 2021. From a budget planning perspective, it’s a safer approach. If we’ve learned anything from this crisis is that we can never predict the future, so it’s better to make decisions based on information at hand and make necessary adjustments down the road.

@collegeappacc here you go:

but also note that the UCLA vice provost says in the article, “UCLA is likely to dip more deeply into its admissions waiting list and offer spots to more Californians.”

Cal could consider over enrolling to make up budget deficit and then they may have to rely on maintaining an online instruction component to alleviate stress on facilities for the next couple of years even. I guess they were already doing some of that before the pandemic.

also, FPF is marketing HARD on facebook. It might just coincide with May 1st, but there are several posts in the last few days. And they are posting FAQ videos, answering questions like “Will I feel isolated from the rest of campus?” and “Will I fall behind?”. I’m betting they do not have a lot of takers right now.

BTW if you want to see all the FPF course offerings for the Fall, go to youtube and search FPF Departmental

I think this year selecting FPF on the WL form would have actually been a plus for those who really want to attend UCB. Just my personal opinion as FPF probably doesn’t have many enrollments as of now.

FPF is definitely a plus.

Guys, UCB did not use the pandemic to affect WL decisions.

The article says : In case things don’t improve, some colleges are modeling scenarios with 10% to 20% enrollment drops, even after dipping deeply into their waiting list of applicants.

UCLA has confirmed that the WL acceptance will go up for BOTH in state and OOS.

UCLA doesn’t usually rely on the WL as heavily as Cal does, and Colleges must make up for much of their int’l student body, not just first year admits.

UCLA’s in state yield went UP sizably according to the article, while Cal’s DROPPED slightly. - yet UCLA is taking more CA students off the WL.

Whether we’re in state or OOS, I feel as though there’s a super high chance we’ll get off the WL, particularly based off this article

Wait, so I see different information and perspectives about the chance of international students getting off the wait list. I see some people saying international students/oos will have higher chance while some people saying lower chance for international students as we might not be able to receive Visa. What do you guys think about it?

I hope it gives higher chance for everyone and we get accepted.

Truth is we can’t make definite analysis or speculations for our current situation
 What we can do is wait until they start releasing offers from the wl and hope that our names are among them

@richbilly. Nobody is saying that there is a lower chance for international students. The issue that some pointed out is that Cal believes that some of the accepted international students may not show up in Fall. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t be accepted next week–they definitely will be.