**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@losername it’s not really for money, we applied FA for all of them but didn’t get any money from Vanderbilt. Sure, it is a great school for sure, but I am just not a very big fan of Vanderbilt; when I visited there, it just wasn’t somewhere I saw myself spending for the next 4 years. Plus, my cousin went there and didn’t have a great experience after his freshman year. I’ve fallen in love with Rice and that’s been my top choice, and really enjoyed UCLA and UCB when I saw them. Those were my three favorite schools that I applied to, and I’m not particularly excited about any of the places I was accepted to.

Thanks WLB. I haven’t been able to visit Vandy or Rice, but they’re both great choices. I think I’d like Nashville over Houston (size and climate) and I prefer the sports scene at Vandy. But I’d give the edge to Rice for Residential Colleges over Greek Life. I live in CA and have been to UCB and UCLA several times … somewhat overwhelming plus student:faculty ratio and uncertain state funding worry me. But six months ago I would have been happy to get into any of them … feeling blessed to have these choices. Good luck to you (and all of us).

if we don’t get off the waitlist do we get like an official rejection letter or do we just assume we didn’t make it if we didn’t get an offer?

they’ll tell you at the very end of may if you got rejected.


it seems like we’ll get our results next week!! good luck to everyone :slight_smile: catch me refreshing MAP@berkeley portal at 3:30 pst on monday hahaha

Noob mistake @ridewthemob . Catch me refreshing the portal, CC and Reddit frantically at 3:30 PST every single day, including weekends.

@xtanyax catch me refreshing the portal, CC, and Reddit with insanity every hour every single day, including weekends

I can totally relate lol

Does listing CS (or any other popular major) as an intended major for L&S have an effect on your admission chances? I know everyone is accepted undeclared but does it factor into their decisions for institutional needs?

Also, if International waitlist spots are going to be prioritized to OOS kids, doesn’t that give intl kids a low chance of getting in? I seriously don’t understand why they can’t just fill the intl cap with as many waitlisted intl kids as possible first. If there’s room left in the international TO afterwards, then I’d understand them offering the spaces to OOS/IS applicants. Are they worried that the Intl yield will be bad and their acceptance rates will go up as a result??

I’m absolutely losing my mind these days. This is all I can think about. I refresh CC/Reddit every hour and can’t sleep.

@Dan2elCh5 At the end of the day, we are all on the same boat called the waitlist and these postings are all speculations, be that they maybe based on some observations, statements by school leadership, etc. No one really knows what will happen. I think if there’s any consensus, it is that the waitlist will be used and it is trending to be used heavily.

In recent years, as high as 55% of people on the waitlist have been admitted. Considering all the issues that the pandemic has created, perhaps we are looking at 60%+ for this year. Who knows?! And if that ends up being the case, I have a feeling they will offer spots to IS, OOS & Intl., not just the first two groups. We can only wait patiently and pray that most, if not all, of us on this forum will find ourselves Cal-bound soon.

@Goldenbearfan Haha thanks. Seriously, I hope every last person on this forum gets accepted. We’ve been dragged through hell long enough. Let it end, please. I need a hobby lmao

UCLA took a bunch of students off waitlist this morning around 8:30 am. Both IS and OOS.

Over on the UCLA thread, there has been some talk about the official Facebook page for the freshman class of 2024. People are trying to figure out how many students have enrolled at UCLA based off of the Facebook page. This is hardly an exact correlation, but, for those of you who need something to think about this weekend…

OFFICIAL CLASS OF 2024 FACEBOOK PAGE (as of this post)

UCLA…5,214 members
Cal…3,833 members

(here’s the link to UCB FB. It’s a private group, but you can see some stuff. https://admit.berkeley.edu/events Scroll down a bit. for UCLA I just did a search. easy to find)

CLASS OF 2024 INSTAGRAM PAGE (as of this post)

UCLA…927 posts
Cal…710 posts

Let’s extrapolate further from @scrambro’s numbers. Last year UCLA enrolled 5,920 freshmen vs Cal’s 6690. Although Cal was expecting to enroll fewer students this year, the number they are targeting is still likely be 6000+ given their past freshman class size. The fact that, as of now, Cal has about 1400 fewer members on its Class of 2024 page than UCLA seems to be a good sign that Cal’s SIR numbers will be way off and that it will have to rely heavily on its waitlist to fill the gap.

UCLA seems to be taking A LOT of people off the waitlist…They have been sending out decisions almost every day. This seems like good news for us b/c Berkeley and UCLA are right next to each other in rankings, so I would expect them to have similar numbers!!! I got off the waitlist at UCSB the other day, so I committed there and have been talking to some people I met on the facebook group, but a pretty big portion of those people have been accepted to UCLA within the past few days and committing there instead…

I don’t see a single international who got off the UCLA waitlist. Why do I feel like it’s an absolute RIP situation for us INTL kids? I feel like crying.

@RifaSanj they probably want to keep their acceptance rate low and there is just so much uncertainty with international students this year

@rifasanj Don’t loose hope!!! Berkeley will definitely accept international students from the waitlist. Berkeley values diversity, and I’m sure they will want to have as many international students as possible. Who knows the exact number that will be admitted, but there will definitely be some international students admitted from the waitlist!

@hotcheetos33 I sure hope so :’(