**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Berkeley is very much not UCLA. Berkeley enrolls 40-50% more international students than does UCLA. Berkeley is consistently ranked in the top 5 Universities in the world from international publications. Believe it: UCB wants international students enrolled.

@scrambro You have no idea how relieved I feel.

@scrambro You have no idea how relieved I feel.

@ridewthemob @xtanyax @fakesnek You guys can relax for a bit–they are not going to make a decision about numbers/percentages to take off the waitlist until the end of next week.

@jaffa1 end of next week, meaning this coming week?

Also, any idea of how it’s looking? (for IS/OOS/Int’l)

Tysm for all your info

@RifaSanj I’m an international who got off the UCLA waitlist a few days ago!! Don’t worry, I’m sure Berkeley will be taking some internationals in as well

@2020to2024 I sure hope so! Thank you so much for letting me know and congratulations!

@collegeappacc Yes, the end of this coming week. If I am able to learn their projection at that time, I will share it. Also, for whatever it is worth, each UC school will be making an independent determination about reopening based upon a 16 point UC plan (ie., some campuses may be open in fall based on that plan, and others not).

Do y’all think I still have a chance if I had 3 Bs first semester as an instate applicant?

@jaffa1 ah ok, I see. Do you have any idea why they’re waiting?

Do any signs really point to less coming off the WL, since most signs point to many students coming off the WL for in state/oos, particularly with what you previosuly said.

Any news on whether Cal will overenroll to compensate for the summer drop in enrollment, or if that’s what they’re deciding now.

Again, thanks for giving us so much info.

@RifaSanj Thanks!! Good luck to you:)

@gamingftw453 yes of course I know many people who didnt send in sem 1 grades and got in. And even more with a slew of Bs and Cs

Cal knows you’re competent enough to do fine there, I don’t feel like they care abt grades sem 1 too much unless they rescind level

when did ucb waitlist results come out last year? did anyone talking to an admissions counselor regarding waitlists?

also, if u made updates to ur waitlist application, does ucb see the updated or original version?

lastly, how are u all dealing w/ roommates at the schools ur currently enrolled in?

any answers wud help!

@collegecueen I picked a roommate at another place, and I was up front that I am on the waitlist at Cal. She was totally fine it it. Last year the first wave was May 7th. No idea on the updates . . . hope this helps and good luck!

@collegeappacc I don’t really have any additional answers at this point. Signs continue to point to very liberal use of the WL. In addition to what has previously been discussed, I speculate that UCLA’s wait list yield, and late-deciding RA yield, for L.A.-area kids (the number of which is 2.5 times greater than Bay-area kids) will be high. Because so many of this universe were admitted to both Cal & UCLA, that bodes well for the CAL IS WL.

for those of you keeping score, the UCB class of 2024 Facebook page has DROPPED by 9 members in the last 4 hours. (now, 3824).

@jaffa1 does that mean we can expect the first round of decisions at the end of this week, or will we have to wait even longer for that?

@joshua11223322 I understood it to mean that they would know how many they needed from the WL and commence the process of sending out acceptances at that time. I therefore would guess that the first wave of acceptances will go out on Thur or Fri.

Hey guys! Don’t know if this helps ease some of the stress. I got off the waitlist last year (May 7th at 3 pm) and the day they were releasing the first wave I noticed a change in my portal. Before the change when I’d click on decisions frq, it would take me to the page you all have probably been seeing (honestly don’t remember if it said decisions frq or waitlist frq). The day that the first wave came out (hours before 3), when I’d click “decisions frq” it took me to a page that said “admissions frq, accepting your offer of admission.” I know it’s really stressful to sit around and wait, but trust me everything happens for a reason. You probably won’t hear back for a couple days regarding the waitlist. Try not to obsess over it. You will all end up right where you’re meant to be. Just be proud of all you’ve accomplished!

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Hi @ahutch2001
Was wondering how the roommate process went for you? Did you choose another waitlist accepted student to room with, or did you choose someone who was admitted regular or did you go random? I really don’t want to go random with a roommate. Just want to know your process.