**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@akjerae1 I actually roomed with two girls who got in during regular decisions. We found eachother on insta and there wasn’t any problem with rooming with them. We all just added eachother into groups through the housing app. Also if anyone had any questions please feel free to ask me. I have some spare time today and I’d love to help!

What criteria does Berkeley use to select students from the waitlist?

Wrong chat sorry

@Sisternight I honestly have no idea how/why admissions make their decisions. I will say this, you don’t have to be this “perfect” student to get into Berkeley. At the end of the day, they are looking for passionate students who they think are the right fit. Berkeley is very diverse and you’ll find that regardless of what your stats were in high school, everyone who got in is meant to be there for their own special reason.

@ahutch2001 I have a question: how many days before the first wave did they lock your essay “edit” option??

My essay still has an “edit” option too. Is anyone else experiencing that?

@imaxraftrsav1 I don’t remember, but I think I always had the option to edit. From what I’ve heard, any edits you make won’t be seen by admissions after the deadline.

do you guys think UCB will start rolling decisions starting Monday or is it like set in stone that it will be next Thursday or Friday?

It was the first Tuesday of May last year but it’s been different every year i think

does anyone have the four addresses glitch? I just signed in and noticed I had four addresses. My FAQ’s are still the same though.

@zstargirl09 what even is the four address glitch

I don’t even know what the four address glitch is but it has come up a lot int he past. Can anyone explain what it is supposed to mean? AS o now I only have two addresses listed.

@brownvibesonly in the past years, getting the 4 address glitch and FAQ change possibly meant that you are going to be accepted. I’m not sure if it’s the same this year. When you log into your portal, it shows two addresses but the 4 address glitch makes it so it duplicated the addresses.

I don’t think the four address glitch indicates anything… I’ve had the four address glitch since before 4/15. Because of coronavirus I’ve gone back home, and I tried to remove my school address (which I put as mailing), but the address always comes back becoming the fourth of the addresses after a week of me changing it. I’m not quite sure what that means but I’m sure it doesn’t indicate anything too much so don’t get anxious about it! (Although I’m so nervous rn and check CC and the portal about every 30 mins)

only 2 addresses listed – probably means I got rejected lol



Every 30 minutes??? …That’s IT?!? :smiley:

@ahutch2001 could you provide some confirmation on this 4 address thing idk seems kind of sus

yea I only have two addresses listed as well but it has always been like that for me. Then again I do not log in to the portal that often but whenever I do I never see 4 addresses. I hope this doesn’t mean anything

Here’s a question for everyone who doesn’t have 4 addresses:
Have you ever deleted your addresses?

For me, I’ve had max addresses (6) by accident , and I tried to remove the extras, which brings it back to 3 addresses. However, it keeps coming back to four addresses after a few days.

Havent checked CC in a while

2 addresses here too. I’m pretty sure I got rejected for another reason too. The day that everyone was signing up for more info on the FPF website, I also signed up, and received an email the next day.

I, however, did not receive the email that people were referencing in posts 629-631, and I further saw on reddit that it was from an actual person, and said “Welcome Future Cal Bears”. I’m pretty sure that means everyone who signed up on the website, and isn’t going to get in wouldn’t have received the email.

Did everyone on here who signed up get the email?

I’m so nervous even though I know I wont get in :frowning: