**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

i wasn’t given the option to choose fpf or global edge program…where were we supposed to state that? in our essays?? there wasn’t any checkbox or anything for me… omg if i didn’t state it will this affect my chances :((

@BrownBoy17 Because international enrollment was down by a lot and there is visa uncertainty, I feel like Berkeley would be more eager to enroll OOS students into the international spots. Accepting too many intl kids who probably won’t come and can’t pay for housing would just raise the acceptance rate and lower housing income. I feel like this is rather unfair, but @jaffa1 did mention that OOS would be prioritized so can’t really do anything about that I guess. Personally, I’d SIR right away and dance for joy naked.

That being said, there are many many more open spots this year due to Corona so I’m guessing everybody has a better chance than in previous years. Even international kids (who pay more than IS kids even without housing) will probably have a very decent chance considering Cal needs money. If the overall WL acceptance rate will be around 60%, I’d guesstimate that about 30~50% of intl waitlisters are going to get good news.

This is all just speculation though, so don’t worry about it too much (something I’m failing at lmao). Just wait for the first wave on Thur/Fri and pray for the best.

The first wave will be out on Thursday/Friday?

i have a gut feeling it might be out today. ucla is already released and berkeley has all the information they need. why would they wait and risk less yield

@jumpyjump According to jaffa1, “You guys can relax for a bit–they are not going to make a decision about numbers/percentages to take off the waitlist until the end of next week.”

@erica2002 r u L and S

@Goldenbearfan I think most of what you said is right.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but since an AO said this will be Berkeley’s best WL acceptance year yet, 2/3-3/4 is very very reasonable. Furthermore, a good amount of the people who are offered a place will decline (Either accepted at another school from WL, or the people who were never planning to attend but wanted to see what’ll happen). This will likely drive the WL acceptance from 70-75% to around 80%. The remaning 20% of students who are still not admitted from L and S will be offered FPF, as only the traditional spots have been filled.

Basically, almost everyone in L and S should be in very good shape, with other colleges students being in pretty good shape as well.

I’m not sure, but this analysis sounds logical to me.

@collegeappacc I didn’t get any further yield numbers last week. Fwiw, as to FPF, I did ask, last month, whether there would be any downside to checking the FPF box–the response I received was “A lot of upside. We may be moving all incoming students in that direction anyway.”


That’s really interesting, was the COVID crisis as severe back then? There’s only 700 FPF spots, and the yield is seemingly much lower than they anticipated. Would they be opening more FPF spots?

Any idea on what that could mean/look like for us?

More FPF students does make Berkeley more money (program fee etc.) There’s definitely 0 downside and a huge upside to checking the FPF box, but I’m surprised they’re moving all incoming students to FPF?

Thanks for all your help, you’ve truly been amazing!

@jaffa1 is there a downside if I DON’T check FPF? ‘Cause I didn’t and I’m international so my chances might be pretty low anyway.

Thank you for all the insight @jaffa1 . So it is essentially confirmed that we won’t hear anything today?

Just for clarification, FPF isn’t available for college of engineering right? I read about it in my waitlist faq but couldn’t find an option to choose it.

@collegeappacc I asked that question on April 15. I’m not sure if he meant that they would be opening more FPF spots this year, or in the coming years.


Ah ok, makes sense. They may open more FPF spots, but there should still be space in the traditional pathway as well, considering the pretty low yield for Berkeley, right?
Any idea why if WL admits will also be traditional this year?

@harrisonfedor I don’t think anyone can confirm when decisions will be released.

@collegeappacc No idea.

Remember: the longer it takes for them to start the process, the better it is for those on the WL who have UCB as their #1 choice.

@scrambro, just looking back at your numbers again, not only does your data make sense, but it’s looking really good for all of us here. At worst case scenario, if what @jaffa1 has said is true, the school will still take 55% of waitlisters (that’s what happened in 2017-2018, which is the highest in the last 4 years). That means roughly 2,200 waitlisters will be offered a spot. By bet is that all, if not most, OOS will be offered a spot along with a minimum of 50% of all IS & internationals.

what about the 3 instate students for every 1 out of state student policy? do you guys think that UCB will use that this year, or disregard it because of their budget?

they have to use the policy, they can’t just ignore it, I’m sure.


Does that data include the “summer melt” that colleges are dealing with – that not all students who SIR’d will actually come in the fall, particularly since the next semester will be mostly online learning. That would mean Berkeley would need to overenroll, at a much higher rate than 55%, as they absolutely cannot afford to start the year underenrolled.