**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

So it’s 1:34 am for me rn. Should I stay up till 3:30 am in the hopes that I’ll get a decision? No.

Am I still going to do it? Absolutely, I am.

i feel you, i wish they would release decisions already

if thats the case @collegeappacc then major W for instates

@kevadunn yeah, do you know if Berkeley plans to overenroll this year, as a whole, and to avoid the summer melt. Seems pretty likely.

I’m sure Berkeley still has to comply with the in state/OOS cap


No, it doesn’t take into account summer melt and my projection was based on worst case scenario for us. If anything, I think Cal will take more than 55% of students off the waitlist.


As for in-state students, I’m assuming there has been no drop off in their enrollment. From what we know, the decrease has come from internationals for certain and likely, OOS. Hence, Cal will logically fill those spots with the latter group to keep the 75%/25% balance. Having said, there’s a visa issue with internationals this year, so they’ll likely rely even more on OOS than usual to fill the International gap. In the end, my guess is IS/OOS admit ratio from waitlist will be close to 1-1 or even favor IS slightly because there just aren’t enough OOS & internationals on the waitlist.

Since some Berkeley colleges have a much lower acceptance rate than others and since the percentage taken off the waitlist is an average across all colleges, it’s possible that L&S may have a higher waitlist acceptance rate than engineering, for example.


Another important thing to note was that if Berkeley wasn’t accounting for the summer melt, they have no reason to be considering how many to take. the fact that they are is almost certainly good for us. I also think it will be around 65-70% atleast, as some of the 55% admitted will not accept the offer of admission.

So, from what we know with UCLA, L and S yield is likely going to be the lowest, and UCB has FPF while UCLA doesn’t so it’s my impression from what we’ve seen that all L and S students have a very very good shot.

Another impression I’m getting is that many enrolled students (even in state) are decommitting by the day, especially as UCLA released, and this is lowering the number of students on the waitlist as well.

Last year, many admitted students were in state, so it’s safe to say that in states will retain their spots, slightly lowered yield will give them a few more spots, and the OOS spillover will give many more spots.

I’m not sure about engineering, but based on what UCLA has been doing and FPF, I think L and S has a very high chance (regardless of IS/OOS)

the deadline to cancel ap tests is may 8th and i plan to cancel 2 of my 4 tests. assuming that we don’t hear back from berk by then, could this negatively impact their decision? do i even have to inform them?


First of all, you don’t need to inform the schools of anything from now until final decisions are released. The only thing they’ll need is your final transcript once you’ve been accepted to make sure you did not flunk your classes. As for AP scores, you only need to submit them, if you want to get credit for those subjects, but since those scores will not come out until later in the summer, they will have no bearing on your admissions.

So any news if this coming out at 6:30 or any news when it is coming out???

No update.

Can anyone show a picture of the waitlist acceptance letter from Berkeley? I am incredibly nervous right now. Q: does Berkeley value senior first-semester grade a lot? I got one C(Multivariable Calculus), two Bs(both APs)

My status update box says “Questions? Click here for Decision Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Questions? Click here for Decision Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)”.

I clicked on both links: the first one led to a 404 error, and the second one led to the Waitlist FAQ.

@Missmerrygoround yea I have the same glitch on my portal, clicking the first FAQ goes to a 404 error.

Mine as well!

@Missmerrygoround Yes I just saw the same thing. There are 2 FAQs at the top of the MAP@BERKELEY portal page. Its says “Questions? Click here for Decision Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Questions? Click here for Decision Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)”.

The first FAQ link directs to 404 NOT FOUND error page with nothing on it.
The second link is the old WL FAQ page.

yeah i have that too

any chance that would be 2020’s glitch for the first wave? lol

I don’t have any glitches

well i don’t have it guess its over for me