**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Well it either happens or it doesn’t. To me, this is hard to swallow because what are the chances that there is some glitch regarding the FAQs? I don’t think there is any other reason why about half maybe even more apparently have 2 links for the FAQs and one of them leads to a 404 error. Maybe someone can look at the URL or the page source (if you can) to see if there are any differences? If people get accepted tomorrow, then this glitch was indicative of their acceptance. If not, then it’s just random glitch. Right now, I wish I had that FAQs glitch so badly. I’ll would actually be able to sleep tonight.

do any other coe people have the glitch?

would it be possible for someone to contact admissions to ask when decisions may be coming out? Or has someone already?

@nkaoetn381 i dmed their admissions instagram page and no response

I’m in-state L&S and have the glitch. It hasn’t gone away. The two waitlist FAQ links have different URLs.
In addition, the URL for the 404 error FAQ is in the same format as the “status update” URL that brings you to the actual waitlist notification. All three links (2 FAQ and 1 status update) are in the same format: https://apply.berkeley.edu/apply/update?id=[insert ID here].

Therefore, it stands to reason that the “error 404” FAQ URL actually will lead to or is correlated with a new status update of acceptance/rejection (when it comes out, of course). But we all know that the waitlist rejections come at the very end so if new status updates are coming, then they have to be acceptances. The error might only pop up because the actual update (acceptance) hasn’t been put in yet or is disabled until the decisions come out.

In any case, don’t despair because the decisions will come in waves, so it’s okay if your decision is not in the very first wave.

A shame. Rip the dream.

Oh and btw, I am an int’l CoE applicant with no FAQ error 404.

Is it not a bit strange, though, that the errors are randomly distributed among IS, OOS, and INTL? Aren’t decisions usually released based on which of the three categories one falls under?

The only thing that makes a bit more sense of this is none of the CoE applicant has this error 404 glitch

A couple COE applicants have the glitch @chianger531

RIP the dream. Congrats to everyone who got in!

@hopefulacademic well if that’s the case, rip the dream too for me then??

idk, this seems to random to have significance. i guess we’ll see tomorrow

I would like to point out that the address glitch happened to random people as well, so the faq glitch doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Welp, my dream is dead.

We are almost there! Don’t give up just yet; expect the worst, hope for the best.

My friend just got off waitlist from tufts and Carnegie mellon, which means many colleges have to make their moves soon.

I don’t have the glitch. Nothing’s confirmed yet but I already feel empty and sad. My insides feel like they want to shrivel up and disappear and my heart literally hurts. I’ve never wanted anything this badly in my life. It’s so unfair. Why am I being tortured like this. I don’t deserve this. If I don’t get in off the first wave I’m just opting out. I’ve had it. I’d rather be at a school that actually wants me.

Frankly, I hate to be a pessimist but if this glitch were to mean SOMETHING, then it HAS to point towards an acceptance. I can’t think of any reason as to why the cohort of those without the glitch would be the ones with an acceptance waiting for them soon.

dang, rip, I got my hopes up too high. Congrats to everyone who got the glitch. I’m not gonna even get my hopes up for a 2nd or 3rd wave

@WaitlistBoy – Agreed, but considering how many people don’t have the glitch, it simply wouldn’t make sense based on what every other school is doing, coupled with our predictions for this to be all the acceptances. There’s just absolutely no way Berkeley will complete enrollment, or even come close without taking more.

You may be right, but I’m just saying there are likely more acceptances waiting!