**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

If there is a wave tomorrow, there will definitely be more waves to come after that! Don’t lose hope everyone

Is the glitch still there for everyone who had the glitch? I’m too scared to check my portal lol

Still there for me

lol rip me. congrats to everyone who prob will get in tmrw

Wait is there a chance that there will be a release tomorrow? It was the first tuesday of may last year. What makes you guys think it will be thursday?

@phatdoggo it released on may 7th in previous years which is this thursday

Alright, if were being realistic. The first wave is prob gonna be tomorrow for those with the glitch. The question is is there going to be more waves? Because if not Im gonna cry a lot :frowning:

There will def 100%% be more waves. Wait it out, there is still hope.

Just looked in previous thread and just wanted to put this out there. Class of 2021 waitlist released May 5, 2017 (a friday), C/O '22 released May 7, 2018 (a monday) & C/O '23 released as we know May 7, 2019 (a tuesday).

Going by this trend decisions are not on the same weekday but the same day of the month.

did anyone who marked fpf in the box receive the glitch?

How sure can we be that it will be tomorrow? Didn’t someone say before that regents is planning on releasing them late in the week?

I mean i don’t have error right now but there was error last week, what is this suppose to mean…?

Okay so. I checked my portal. No glitch. (Intl, L&S) I guess I’m done for. Btw I’ve never had a single glitch before. I never even had the 2/4 address glitch. Idk. Welp, you can’t always have what you truly want.

@nkaoetn381 since this glitch happened we’re speculating that there will some kind of update tomorrow to the portals but we may be wrong

@53201448 what do you mean? you had two decision faq’s before?

i mean i had the glitch last week

@53201448 really?? maybe this glitch means nothing at all then.

It doesn’t show up now right?

has anybody else had this glitch before?

yeah no glitch right now