**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I’m crying like an idiot right now. I knew I wouldn’t get in. Idk why I even opted in to begin with.

maybe berkeley is just pulling all of our legs with this glitch lmao. i hope it doesn’t mean anything but there’s no way to tell. but dw, there will most likely be more waves in the future if this is it

at least that’s what i keep telling myself lol :neutral:

For all of us who don’t have the glitch, where did y’all deposit? I haven’t had any luck with the other waitlist I’ve really been hoping for (Rice) so I guess I better get ready for at least one year in Nashville.

@RifaSanj Dude. My god. Calm down. Either you get in or you don’t. None of us have any idea who is going to get in or not, so stop being so melodramatic and wait for your result like the rest of us

I have to say something bc this is insane. Everyone is acting like decisions came out and the ppl that have two links got in and it’s done for. first of all, the address glitch has been disproven many times so this could be too. Also, the decision faq glitch that happened in previous years happened a couple hours before they released decisions, not a whole day or however long in advance. it’s also completely random, not in any order which is strange for ucb. Lastly, ucla had like 7 waves of acceptances, the first one not even being the largest. we don’t know anything and speculating about the littlest things is useless and giving everyone false hope/unhelpful anxiety. Let’s just sit back and we’ll find out in literally a couple days at the most.

Man I 7000% agree with you, this whining is unbearable. Just chill everyone, if you’re so stressed about waitlist decision who do you see yourself dealing with Berkeley‘s ultra competitive environment?

@maglor1 Um, can you not? I’m really trying to calm myself down over here. Maybe some people can handle it better but it’s making me sad and anxious. So please either say something comforting or don’t say anything at all. I don’t really need a harsh reality check right now, it just makes me feel worse. I’m sorry.

I hope there is high chance for international students as well

@richbilly Believe me, they’re gonna admit more Inter students as well as IS and OOS because students who are from other countries won’t care about which state to study in if they choose to go to college in America and California has been handling the covid situation very well.

@Redliter Thank you for information! I hope so too!
I was just worried if Cal would select less intl students because they might think we might not be able to receive VISA or can’t come to US because of current situation, which is not true. I also think California has been dealing COVID 19 situation well and I am 100% willing to go to Cal if they admit me. I am sure this is true for other intl students as well.

Hey guys! I am new here and I also got waitlisted by Cal. I am intl student and applied for CoC. I was wondering if any of you who applied to CoC got the FAQ glitch, just curious.

@Cindyyyyyyy hey! I don’t recall seeing anyone from CoC reporting the glitch (I may be wrong) but a few from CoE did get it. Did you?

One IS CoC yesterday said he/she got the glitch.

I think I got the glitch but I also do not know anyone applying for CoC who got the glitch.

Is there a correlation between people with the addresses glitch and the FAQ glitch, making them equally meaningless? I’ve never had either glitch.

for this glitch to mean anything the first wave would have to be released today. We will see what happens

Thanks for the info! So I guessed the glitch was random among different colleges.

I never had the address glitch, but do have the FAQ glitch.

Whether this glitch means something or not, do not lose hope. I still standby my earlier projection that the majority of us (a big number at that) will get off the waitlist over the next few weeks. Do not lose sleep over this.

Right now, I have both glitches. The address one appeared sometime late yesterday, while the FAQ one stayed.