**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

No one know what the glitch means. It’s even possible that the purpose of the glitch is just to increase hype and to change the subject away from talk and speculation of Berkeley being under enrolled, whatever that might mean.

hey yall! im out of state L&S and didn’t get the glitch either… while that may be disappointing, never lose hope guys! if you don’t get in in the first wave, you could get in in the second wave!! we’ve already come so far, it’s not worth giving up now!!

UCB Chancellor has said that the school is under enrolled (in so many words). UCLA vice provost has said the same thing. I think we can agree that this is an upside down year. Yes, IS enrollment may range from the same to up slightly, but the other residency categories are down, and school is going to be online. This presents a unique opportunity for the WL. We’ll see what happens.

UCLA WL is moving again as of 7:30AM PDT. Engineering.

What are we up to now for the UCLA WL? Wave 6 or Wave 7? Awesome for all the guys on the UCLA waitlist though, and it’s probably pretty good news for us as well, both because it shows that the UCs are heavily going to their waitlist and that some Berkeley waitlisters might drop out for UCLA. Also, if I remember correctly, Berkeley usually utilizes its waitlist more than UCLA does

Hey there I’m just wondering what exactly this glitch is everyone is talking about? I’m an out of state applicant to Letters and Sciences and see a link at the bottom of my waitlist letter linking to the FAQs that has ‘new’ written in red next to it. Is this what people are talking about and if so what is the speculation around what this means? Sorry, I’m sure this question has been asked already but I was digging through the pages and couldn’t find any responses. Anything that you may know would be helpful! Thank you!

@calenthusiast37 it’s at the top of the portal, on the status box, some people are saying they have 2 links to FAQs, one is to WL FAQ, and one is a 404 error.

what does it say when you click on the FAQ with the link “new”

@calenthusiast37 Damn son, that’s something else entirely. And here I am with absolutely no changes whatsoever lmao.

Ah okay thank you. I only have one link in my status box that takes me to the WL FAQs. The link I referenced with the ‘new’ label takes me to the same place. Is this a good or a bad sign? What’s the general word on having this glitch?

Honestly, I think a bunch of random glitches could arise on portals as AOs sift through applications. I was pessimistic at first but come to think of it, there really is no way of knowing. Having change is exciting though, and indicates that they looked over your application at the very least.

so u guys think the first wave will be today?

I reckon yeah.

I don’t think so. I think later in the week. But I’ve been more wrong than right with my predictions, so there’s that . . .

My son has already been admitted to Berkeley with a scholarship and has already committed. I know how anxious waiting for waitlist decisions can be. On his portal under choose your pathway I see that 717 FPF spots are open (he already chose the traditional path several weeks ago). Looks like traditional pathway is closed. (It doesn’t show any availability). Hope this tidbit is helpful

How is it possible that there aren’t traditional pathway spots?

I think you have to explicitly choose FPF or that since your son already chose traditional so there is no longer an option for him. But yeh I kinda doubt there is no any traditional left

guys i really don’t think the glitch means you are getting accepted the first wave(although i could very much be wrong) cause i think on the past berkeley only accepts in state applicants the first wave

That’s strange, maybe it just shows that, because there’s no way they’re only offering 717 spots. There are also majors that don’t have that option, and i doubt they would show everyone committed how many spots are left.

I highly doubt there are no traditional spots left considering how underenrolled berkeley is.

I think you have to explicitly choose FPF or that since your son already chose traditional so there is no longer an option for him. But yeh I kinda doubt there is no any traditional left

so would it be at 3:30 pst?