**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

However this all shakes out for us, I think one thing is very clear: Berkeley SERIOUSLY needs to update the software or code for their ‘MAP’ website after this year. These glitches cause nothing but stress for us applicants and seem to have been an issue for at least the past few years!

@ravip3 @aaronruizx Of course. Y’all are gonna do great things in the future. Stay strong :slight_smile:



I just wanted to say I’m rooting for you guys! I am a transfer waitlist student but I’m 18 like most of you! Had to leave high school due to family health issues had to help out.

@“UCLA22CogSci/LINGCS” eyy same bro I’m a transfer student same boat as you but I’m a year older than you lol. Can’t wait for transfer waitlist decisions. Lets all hope for the freshmen first and then us.

Hey guys, I just wanted to ask if Berkeley will ONLY offer you admission through FPF if you checked the box on the Opt-In form? I didn’t check the box, and now I’m concerned that they won’t admit me because they have few traditional spots left. Would somebody who didn’t check the FPF box still be offered admission through FPF??

@twoheadedshark previously when people didn’t check either fpf or gel on the opt-in form, they got the options to do fpf or gel when admitted.

@twoheadedshark plus, there are probably so many spaces that a lot of people will get in regardless. Just wait two days and see what happens. Obsess and whine on CC if it makes you feel better. Lord knows it works for me lmao. Good luck!

This will sound generic and ingenuous, but if you made it onto the Berkeley waitlist, there are probably a lot of other equally good – or nearly so – schools that would love to admit you. You’re all different and I can’t comment further on your talents, because I don’t know them, but… hey… be happy that you’re smart. But also be aware that if/when one door closes, usually another one opens. There are a great many awesome schools in the US – we might suck at primary education among developed countries, but we rule the world in the bachelor’s/grad/PhD world ((7 of the top 10, 15 of the top 20, 50 of the top 100 schools in the world – it’s pretty obvious).

A lot of people complain about the price of college in the US. I don’t want to rehash that debate, but what is obvious in this case is that you get what you paid for.

anyway, if you don’t become a Golden Bear and are forced to enter (instead) UW-Madison, Michigan, Texas, UVA, UNC, Illinois, Washington, Williams, Bryn Mawr, Hamilton, Wesleyan, Bowdoin, Georgia Tech, UCSB, or any of the other 300+ great American colleges and universities… do not fret: you’ll be fine. And you’ll be fine at a school that wants you and all you offer.

  • Tom, been here a long time, yada-yada
  • BA-Journalism, UW-Madison, '98
  • MBA-Music Business, Belmont U, '03

does anyone know when the they would begin taking people off the wait list

I’m a U.S. citizen living abroad, what are my chances based off these demographics?

So my school sent Cal my midyear report in Feb for some reason, but I didn’t input my grades or attach my transcript in the actual waitlist form. Will they still look at it as if i submitted my first semester grades?

@wiwe908 My school also sent my mid-year report back in February. I think they will still review it because I remember seeing something that said to send your mid-year report “if you haven’t already.” I can’t remember where I saw that, but I’m 99% sure that I remember reading that while I was filling out the waitlist form.

I saw someone said you have to option to either manually input your grades in the form or attach a transcript, but yeh it’s an either or so i don’t think you have to do both. I just put my grades in manually.

how can you guys tell if your school sent your mid-year transcript? does it say that on your portal?

you don’t need to submit your mid-year transcript. You could have just self-reported it if u want but it doesn’t really matter. Sending your grades there was optional, to begin with, because if you are admitted they only see your final transcript at the end.

Hey, I just got a little paranoid and saw that some colleges had sent out waitlist confirmation surveys. I just wanna check if Berkeley had done so as well? I didn’t get anything but I want to be sure

Hey Guys!

I am an international student who got off the waitlist last year in the first wave. I received an email at around 3:30 pm PDT on May 7th. I committed to Cal and it probably one of the best decisions I ever made. I opted for FPF and it was on-campus and I could enroll in on-campus classes as well. If you have any questions regarding the waitlist, fpf, housing or anything in general, you can ask me!

@Armaanaggu what do you think got you off? does your waitlist essay factor in a lot?