**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

nooooo:(( this is making me so anxious haha i’ve been wasting my days on tiktok and netflix to try to make time go faster

do you guys know how frequent the waves are once the first wave is released?


@kash123 Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that the second wave was exactly one week after the first wave last year… and then after those two, barely anyone else was let off the waitlist.

@kash123 previously there would be a wave every week but with the COVID situation, there’s no way of telling for sure.


ahh it’s 3

anybody get anything?

got nothing :frowning:

Do not worry this happened to me too because I turned it in after 10pm pacific time on April 15th. I contacted them just in case and they said they run on East Coast time and my submission was valid.

yep, nothing. Catch you all tomorrow same time :)))))))))))))))))))

no updates on the portal still:(

Did decisions come out at 3 or 3:30 last year? I know that they probs aren’t coming out today, but I just want to be sure.

i emailed! decisions are coming out Friday :slight_smile:

welp, ig it’s gonna be tomorrow y’all. what’s one more day of waiting anyways

welp nothing! let’s all relax until tomorrow lolol


damn, this is painful if they release waves after one full week. I wish they would do it like every two days or something similar to UCLA

@kathyzw All decisions are on Friday??? Or just the first wave of acceptances??

@kash123 Honestly…maybe it will be different this year bc of COVID…it’s highly possible that less people will be committing after being admitted from the waitlist, so Berkeley will have to release more waves in a shorter amount of time.