**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Nothing. I opened the portal and just smirked. I’m so used to it at this point haha. See you all tomorrow for the real deal.

I think that Berkeley will be very under-enrolled even after the waitlist decisions. For example, I don’t even know if I’ll be able to commit for sure because my family can’t afford tuition. So I’m pretty sure that they’ll release decisions in more waves after tomorrow.

We all made it this far, guys! Just one more day!!! ?

It might be me freaking out but idk why it says 16th next to my waitlist opt in form when I submitted it on the 14th and got my confirmation on the 14th and my transcript received on the 14th. I have the green checkmark as well. Should I try and contact the admissions office in hopes of a response?

@hopefulacademic As long as you’ve got the confirmation email, it should be fine. Don’t worry about it.

The decision process seems to be much more complicated this year.

hey! im late but do u mind sharing some benefits of fpf? is it worth the $$?

is it just me or are other people having literal dreams about waitlist decisions lmaoo

@collegecueen I had a dream last night that I ordered a sandwich, and instead of handing me my sandwich the worker handed me my letter of acceptance. It’s safe to say i’m beginning to lose my mind…

@mathcsb I’m UCSB or U Mich. Still on Cornell’s WL, but that’s not looking great. I’m optimistic about Cal!

@jaffa1 hopefully that dream comes true!

I wake up everyday SO ANXIOUS. First thing I do is come here, and then my portal. This is absolutely driving me nuts… Why can’t it be tomorrow today!! :frowning:

I had a dream sometime in march that I was accepted into UCB but then I got waitlisted lol. But hopefully, that dream still comes true.

soooo anyways whats up w ya’ll

I literally had a dream 2 days ago that I woke up to a portal update email and because I was aware that they don’t send rejections until the end of the month, I was like “omg I made it! I made it!” Then I opened my letter and it said “you made it!” and I squealed like a little girl and then at the bottom of the letter it said “haha sike! You didn’t make it lol.”


haha we’ve all been literally dreaming of this moment

@Kosota That is such a relief! I just checked my spam folder and found the email too!

FPF is only offered in the college of letters&science, so you won’t have to do it if apply to CNR or COE.

As you might know, there are three first-year pathways: traditional, global, and FPF. If you get waitlisted, you can’t (!!!) choose the traditional pathway. So it rather comes to if you would prefer to stay on campus or do something abroad. Does it worth the money? Most of the students I know don’t have many positive comments. Well, but you don’t really have the choices (if you don’t want to go abroad).

Pros are you can usually get a higher GPA for the course in FPF. The class size is smaller.
The biggest disadvantage is that there are only limited science courses.

When you submitted the waitlist form does it say received next to it or just a green tik mark?

@hopefulacademic under forms, I have a green checkmark with 04/27/2020 Wait List Opt-in next to it.