**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I think it is possible schools will stay under enrolled and eat the cost. Easier to hold smaller classes and single dorms and then add back in when pandemic is under control

Why do you say that about Cornell? Also w/l there.

yea I feel like that might be the case with UCB. It sounds way too good to be true that they will go very deep into their Waitlist and accept like almost everyone.

@kash123 :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( I will be so sad

@mathcsb Hmm so how much can Berkeley tank with the cost rn? Wouldn’t online classes be cheap enough to hold, so they can still enroll enough but also get cash?

I don’t think that UCB can eat the cost honestly. I think most of the public schools the size of UCB are going to have similar problems.

Personally, I hope they take as many people as possible. I am oos so I am super optimistic that UCB will take a lot of OOS like many other schools across the country have been doing. I guess we will know tomorrow.

I’m oos and UCB is my dream school. I really hope that they go deep into their pool of oos waitlisted applicants this year

UCB can’t eat the cost. It’s mindnumbingly clear that they can’t. They’re in a worse financial position than other UCs. Said UCs (see UCLA and UCSD) are going VERY deep into both the IS and OOS WLs. It’s not too good to be true. It’s just true.

i had a dream that i got into berkeley and i was so excited but words cannot describe the disappointment i felt when i woke up and realized it was all just a dream!! berkeley is LITERALLY the school of my dreams hahaha

Dear Cal,

Just. Take. All. Of. Us.


All Of Us

@Yukkkkka I don’t necessarily think only FPF will be offered to L&S on the waitlist this year. A parent of an accepted student has already said there are only 717 FPF spots left as of couple of days ago. Based on what @jaffa1 and another commenter has heard, we can safely assume UCB will take at least 55% of people from the waitlist. That translates into 2000+ people. You can’t tell me that the rest of 1300+ people on the waitlist are CoE, CNR, etc.

And @collegeappacc I totally agree with you. There’s no way that UCB will under enroll and eat the cost. As I mentioned previously, they are already projected to lose $200 million this year (and that’s without under enrollment) and another $150 million or so the next year. The State is in no shape to step in and help either. UCB has no choice but to minimize the loss as much as possible, and at this time, the only way to do that will be to maximize tuition. UCB is no Stanford or Harvard either, so it cannot raise massive $$ through its alumni.

same!!! I even dreamed that the last status update date on my portal became May 8? Then I woke up and became soooooo sad for it is just a dream

“nooooooo you cannot steal my dreams!”
“haha admissions go brrrrrr

I’m very lucky to have been selected from the waitlist

@repaihe23r1ivers This year or previous years?

What are chances like for OOS L&S?

@bowlandbasket people are saying almost guaranteed from what I saw, but I would assume like a 70-80% chance.

what do you think the chances are for OOS CoE (specifically EECS)?

Do yall think I honestly still have a chance if I had poor senior first semester grades? (3 Bs, 2 As)