**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

no glitch for me at 11

I didnt have any portal change

me neither:(


No glitch for me

no portal change

They probably fixed it

hmmm…does anybody have a glitch??? there’s nothing to worry about if none of us have one…

nothing for me either:(

Nope no portal change

Looks like no one does, im relieved

are we sure wave 1 of the results are getting released today?

i feel like it’s been fixed since no one has it, or maybe it’s gonna come later…


OK so whats the next checkpoint? Noon? (PDT)

I don’t care if I get in today I just want to see some be released! Why does it have to be so late in the day for them to release it? Needless dragging of their feet…

With it being UC Berkeley, I would at least hope that they could fix the coding to resolve all glitches, but years past still lead me to believe that they don’t really care. Guess we have to wait until 12 to find out

Did anyone notice any portal glitches during the original release of decisions back in March? Maybe Berkeley just has things under control this year…idkkk

it might still come at 12

3PM is probably the traditional time, since it’s after school would normally get out.