**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@ridewthemob I would think if they are going to be going to their waitlist at all, let alone to the degree that we think that they will, then I don’t think they can afford to wait any longer to release them beyond today.

I don’t think that it’s even really much of a glitch to fix. It’s just how the program might work.
OK. sit tight for another hour. Then another 3 hours after that if nothing at noon. good god.

Nothing. Either they fixed the glitch or it’s coming at 12 pm/3pm or it’s not coming today at all. I don’t know what to say about this anymore honestly.

Berkeley just loves torturing us xD

I believe this is the most stressful waitlist in history… We had hopes up for a wave before May, since all other UCs, UMich, Cornell, etc were doing it, and we got nothing, then we had a few glitches that seemed to point at a possible waves on may 4th or 5th, nothing
Then may 7th, the traditional waitlist decisions day, and nothing
Now, waiting for the so expetcted “definite glitch”, nothing again

Wait are waitlist acceptances released from years past at 3PM EST or PST?


@WaitlistBoy 3 pm pst

It’s coming today, unless a problem developed between Tuesday and today. I mentioned earlier that a trustworthy contact in student affairs said:
“Emails come out on Friday”

@WaitlistBoy 3 pm PST. It’ll be 4 am at where I live.

berkeley realllly just likes to play us HAHA. im jk pls accept me berkeley

I really really hope that this wave is a big one and accepts all of us lol. I’m crossing my fingers!

Berkeley should really accept all of us here :’( it’s been a very long and stressful wait

Good luck to all, hope to hear some good news soon.

do u know why he made that decision? im actually committed to ucla as a biz econ major and although i love the school, i thought berkeley would be better b/c its known for econ/business. i wud love to hear any insights u may have!

I am an international student, and do they usually accept IS/OOS/Intl all at once? or does Intl come off the waitlist later?

I think the first wave is supposedly an IS majority with several oos students.

so either berkeley fixed the faq glitch or i didn’t get into the first wave:(

thank you so much for the reply !

it’s noon, still nothing in my portal