**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

i have the “accepting your offer of admission” glitch, but i dont see anything where the old waitlist faq used to be. is that how it is for everyone else? agree w this comment if it is

Wait I’m confused. I checked my portal and the FAQ was gone but I don’t have the admissions FAQ either, and my old waitlist letter is still there. What does that mean? Did I receive the glitch? I’m freaking out rn!!

For everyone wondering, if you have the glitch, the Waitlist FAQ at the top of your screen will be gone. If you scroll down and click on view update, at the bottom of the page will be Applications Decisions FAQ. If you click on it, it will take you to the admitted students FAQ instead of the waitlist FAQ

@Missmerrygoround So is Application Decisions FAQ the glitch? Or is that the regular link? Mine says it was still only updated March 26th.

For extra Clarification just looks like this:
The following letters are available for this account:

Decision Information - March 26, 2020 (displayed)
Application Decisions FAQ - March 26, 2020

@collegecueen did you have the glitch earlier this week?

Will there be more waves for IS or is this mainly it?

is it still possible to not have a glitch and still have a status update at 3? I’m an IS L&S

IS L&S here. No change to my portal. Still says “Application Decisions …”
No reason to freak until 3pm.

what does it mean if have no faqs?!?!?

Got the glitch! In-state CNR. I also had the double FAQ glitch the other day.

@NovakStorm I have the same thing and I think it means we didn’t make it this wave :neutral:

Anyone know if people without glitch got in last year? Or is the glitch the only litmus test?

@griffen14 This is so sad :(((((

IS L&S, no glitch ):

Congratulations everyone! :slight_smile:

@maglor1 If I was a normal/rational person then that would be a sound plan, but I’m a person who tends to dwell on things like this and become obsessed/romanticize the possibility of attending somewhere off the waitlist, even if the chances are close to zero. Based on this past experience, I know it would be best to go ahead and withdraw. (It’s definitely a ‘me’ problem, but at least it is a personal experience I can rely upon)

The same thing happened when I was applying to boarding schools. I got into a number of places and committed to one of my better choices, but was waitlisted at my top 2 places. Even after they emailed us in the summer saying that they didn’t anticipate any further WL movement, all I could think about was holding out hope that I would get off of it and that really had a negative impact on my ability to fully immerse myself with where I was going to be going. I just couldn’t feel fully committed spiritually to my place of deposit until halfway into the school year, and I am not trying to risk going through that whole ordeal again.

Didn’t get the glitch. IS L&S ?
I don’t know why but I’m pretty chill abt this.
Do you guys think there will be more waves?

@humormeagain yeah there still might be but probably the week of the 18th though cuz they have 7 days to SIR. I wish I got off the WL too

I’m pretty sure there will be because almost no oos students got the glitch today

@WaitlistBoy I’m impressed at your self awareness and coping strategy! You do what works for you!