**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Oh I forgot to mention I’m in-state with the glitch. CNR.

OMG! I have the glitch! I hope this is for real. OOS L&S. And I had the double glitch the other day. I still can’t believe this is happening. Wishing you guys best of luck. Hang in there and believe. I still standby my projections.

Did everyone get the glitch at the same time?

Updated tally v4

We have:
36 people instate
9 people international
8 people oos

tally by college:
30 L&S

lmk if i missed anyone

dang rip I got my hopes up too high lol

No glitch l&s oos, feeling devastated rn

Ok this puts the discussion to an end. Intl. L&S I had the glitch some time ago and I was just admitted officially. I got the acceptance letter

I just got in! OOS poli sci!

i just got in! instate bio + business! congrats to everyone and good luck

I have hope that there will be a large oos wave in the future, but I’m still super disappointed right now:(

is everyone getting their acceptance letters?

do you mean you got the acceptance letter

OMG I GOT IN !!! how do i check pathway though lol

Just got the official notification as well. OOS L&S CS

are the decisions on a rolling basis starting today? like we could expect another wave like tomorrow or the day after right? I really hope I get in off the oos wave that’s going to be my last chance

Yes got the acceptance letter but no email, I’m still staying committed to UCLA though :slight_smile:

I just got my acceptance letter!

did they send u guys an email?

Are you guys getting an email, or you guys are checking the portal straight away?

@maglor1 Congrats! Just curious based on your profile pic, are you going to Rice?