**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

on the admissions frq page they said “Because you were admitted on the strength and truthfulness of your application, you must send us your credit-bearing AP scores. The admission of any applicant who has provided misinformation on AP exams or scores is subject to cancellation.” BUT I JUST CANCELLED 2 TESTS AND I WAS GONNA EMAIL THEM ABOUT IT any advice???

if you guys got in, would u mind sharing if you selected any of the pathways, received any of the pathways, or got the glitch (including the glitch from earlier this week)

Congrats to everyone who got in today and good luck to all of us who are still hoping!

I think everyone who received an offer of admission got the glitch earlier this week

@WaitlistBoy Yeah I’m currently committed to Rice. Not sure now whether I’ll stick with Rice or go to Berkeley

I didn’t select any pathways and got in for FPF or deferment to January. I also got the glitch earlier this week with the 2 FAQ links

when’s your last date to SIR @maglor1

@hopefulacademic Deadline is May 14 11:59 PST

I guess it’s kinda done for the internationals. Well. I remember someone telling me that I either get in or I don’t. Guess I don’t.

Check the bottom of your March 26th status update (your admissions decision letter). That’s where the FAQ is.

@maglor1 are you able to check your path and did you select FPF or any of the other pathways? Thanks!

@jennypham000 ^

Are the people getting admitted In state or out of state?

My acceptance letter says “admitted for the fall semester to the College of Letter and Science” does this mean i got into the traditional pathway?? Otherwise, how do i check my pathway options?

Do yall think ucb will do what ucla did and have multiple consecutive waves?

@hopefulacademic I selected FPF initially. According to the page, there are 648 spots left in FPF and 78 left in GE London, and I can choose either as long as there is space left. I don’t think normal pathway is an option

It’s kinda weird that they released at 1:30. I’ve never seen that before in previous years’ threads. And since it doesn’t seem like it was that many people, maybe they’re actually rolling instead of waves??

Hi! Why do you think its over for internationals? Not that many international students got in (at least in this forum its mostly in state)

You can check your pathway options under forms. From what I understand, only FPF and GEL are available

@maglor1 please let us know by the end of the week how many FPF spots are remaining!