**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

My DS got accepted to MCB L&S InState to UCB today.

So given that the first wave seemed to be very heavy on L&S applicants is it officially time to become a pessimist if I applied there? Im OOS and feeling crushed im not gonna lie :confused:

I AM REALLY SCARED!! What is gonna happen to international students?!

@calenthusiast37 - same here. feels bad. I hope they let us in the second wave

I got in! CNR and in-state.

My son just got in! OOS! Congrats to all who got in!!!

Regarding to comments, I feel very few international population is accepted.

do you think that berk will come out with another wave in two days (like how UCLA did it) or will we have to wait another week? I need some good news, and I need it fast. I donā€™t think I can handle another rejection. :neutral:

did anybody in the college of environmental design hear anything? In-state CED and no glitch :confused:

Final Tally 2.0

We have:
40 people instate
9 people international
11 people oos

tally by college:
33 L&S

@fingerscrossed24 International student here :frowning: I feel you

@akjerae1 I am so with you. I canā€™t handle the suspense like if they know they arenā€™t going to offer me a spot just spare me the pain, put me out of my misery and reject me already!

Congrats to all that are hearing back.
Did you get an email or just check the site?
Did you all have a glitch?

Looks like a decent amount of CNR with in state and L&S from both out of state and in state. Not really sure what to expect anymore

CoC, instate, nothing guess im def not getting in

I really hope oos L&S applicants are accepted in the futureā€¦

@kash123 Yeah sadly all we can do is hope. I really pictured my college future at Berkeley and I do not want that to have been in vain! :frowning:

IS L&S accepted off the waitlist but only FPF or GE option ā€¦ never checked either of those boxes. I understand itā€™s like a half hour walk to the new FPF building. Not sure how I feel about that. But at least Iā€™m in. Now I have to decide between full pay Vandy, IS Berkeley and maybe Rice (WL). Nice problem to have but ā€¦
Good luck to all that still wait. Given the uncertainties I think thereā€™s still a very good chance most of you will get in.

I am surprised UCB is proly the only school I know that has strayed away from the general trend that is going in most schools of accepting lots of oos/intl. I really hope the next wave is a big one. good luck to those still left and congrats to those that got in

For all the people who got accepted off the waitlist: Other than the update through the portal, did any of you send continued interest emails to UCB after May 1?