UCBerkeley applicants (from other UC's)

<p>Did you get an email from UCB asking you to update your winter quarter grades?</p>

<p>No I have not. Have you?</p>

<p>No. I updated mine in February.</p>

<p>Ya someone from UCB emailed me on 3/26 about my winter quarter grades</p>

<p>Edit: (whoops i'm not a inter campus applicant though)</p>

<p>Nope. Didn't get anything.</p>

<p>So, does UCB only see up to fall quarter/semester grades for CCC applicants, or do we CCCer's on the quarter system have to update Winter Quarter grades as well?</p>

<p>lemme guess... mylifeisover23 goes to deanza/foothill?</p>

<p>yes how come?</p>

<p>Noooo they didn't ask me. My life is over =(</p>

<p>no mine is :(</p>

<p>...because I think you guys are the only CCC district that's on the quarter system :P</p>

<p>Really? I didn't know that haha</p>

<p>Obviously, they only do this to quarter system applicants, but i am kinda curious if it's because we are borderline or what?</p>

<p>ugh, I just want to know already...</p>