UCD Financial Aid

<p>For my UCD financial aid page, it lists a number of things like grants, etc and then at the very bottom, it says that my remaining cost is $0… is everybody’s like this?</p>

<p>Did anyone else get their Davis financial aid info yet?</p>

<p>My financial aid info page is all zeroes, says they haven't recieved my FAFSA yet but I submitted my Fafsa on March 1st before the deadline. No idea what's going on here.</p>

<p>UC Davis is not awarding me any financial aid money until I verify my FAFSA with them.</p>

<p>cjue, if it says that remaining cost is $0, that means that the financial aid department has met all your demonstrated need through loans, scholarships, your efc, etc.</p>

<p>If your remaining cost is $0 then look carefully at the loans. My daughter's has a Plus loan of $10,000 which is an loan your parent's can take out. Then she has an unsubsidized loan. Both these loans have to be paid back, so not free money. She did get a Scholarship that will cover the tuition and fees the first year.</p>

<p>I'm an out of state student and got hardly any finanicial aid at all! I almost want to believe there's been some kind of mistake. It's almost depressing because I'd hate to already eliminate going to Davis just because I can't afford it.</p>

<p>Can I resubmit my FAFSA? Is there really a point?</p>


<p>everyone who has not received any financial aid or who hasn't submitted fafsa has a $0 remaining cost on their efan page, but for grants all the other values are $0 as well</p>

<p>but if your grants and other things have actual values, then yes it does mean it costs you zero, sort of (see what kcpdmp said)</p>

<p>Glad to see this topic up. My FAFSA is pending verification, thus granting my FAFSA unofficial. Will UC Davis email me what to send them (SJSU just sent me an email with a PDF form and told me to send them copies of the tax forms) or do I need to clear this up with the FAFSA? Thanks! Really excited to be an Aggie =D</p>

<h2>I was just about to post a new thread for financial aid but saw there was already one..so ok here is my problem..</h2>

<p>I checked my UC Davis Financial Aid account (eFAN)...and under Estimated Financial Aid, it says</p>

<p>James & Leta Fulmor 7,500<br>
Hubert Wakeham-SCH 2,000<br>
Total Estimated Financial Aid $ 9,500</p>

<p>the rest of all is $0...i don't understand. I didnt apply for financial aid ( is it a scholarship?? )...because I didnt know we could. however, on the advice of this forum, I submitted my FAFSA only yesterday..</p>

<p>WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!...lol</p>

<p>I got the Hubert Wakeham thing, too.. the rest are loans for me</p>

<p>does anyolne know how long it will take them to update my fafsa?..becuase i sent in one with estimated numbers at first then i correctedc them on march 2..right before the deadline..and the numbers i see seem to be from the old one</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the situation is with Regents' Scholarships at Davis this year? Has anyone already been notified? Any idea what the cutoff was this year? Thanks...</p>

<p>Regents Scholar right here homie</p>

<p>What kind of SAT scores/GPAs/ECs did you Davis Regents Scholars have this year? I know it's less competitive than UCLA or Cal...</p>

<p>i've been notified via mail. i think you have to have about 2100+ SAT, 3.9+ UC GPA, good essays, etc. to be a regent scholar.</p>

<p>I thought I'd get Regents, in all honesty, but I was disappointed.. kind of discouraged me from going</p>

<p>Hey do any of you qualify for a CAL Grant, if so what was your amount that they sent to you? I got the Cal grant but, it seems that they only considered the first three schools that I listed on the FAFSA, and UC Davis was not one of them. Do any of you know whether I would still be able to change the school that I get a Cal grant from? Also for those of you who qualified for both a Cal Grant and Pell grant, what was the amount they expected you to borrow, because for me it was 4500, but that is withough the Cal Grant A?</p>

<p>bje, reread all the material that came with your Cal Grant letter. They talk about informing schools that were not your top 3 choices if you decide to do that.</p>

<p>I got a huge scholarship from Davis {something called the Entering Undergraduate Scholarship}... $10,000. I only got $4,500 in loans, so yay! The rest is on me.</p>

<p>I hope to get that scholarship once my FAFSA is verified :) combined with my Pell and Cal grants I'd be able to reduce my cost by a tonnnn.</p>