UCD or UCSD for Biomedical Engineering?

Son was accepted to UCD and UCSD for Biomedical Engineering. He made a list of pros/cons for each but is still struggling to make a decision. Here’s the pros/cons list he came up with…anything else you think we should add for these two schools?

UC Davis
pros: nice college town feel, students seem happy/more relaxed, lower off campus housing costs, seems easier to switch from Biomedical Engineering major to other Engineering majors
cons: 5 hours from home, fewer local internship/career opportunities, weather is hot in the summer

UC San Diego
pros: prestige/name recognition, seems like a lot of local career and internship opportunities in Biotech, only 3 hours from home, perfect weather
cons: off-campus housing is expensive, possibly more competitive/stressful environment, hard to switch from Biomedical Engineering major into other engineering majors

Personally I’d ask for career outcomes from both. I would likely take the job part out.

It’s my belief - the job market is hot and engineers will find internships and jobs wherever - local, across the country - wherever.

I’d choose the school you like more.

Prestige - that’s another thing - you only can work one job and you can go to schools a lot less prestigious than these and get multiple, solid offers.

To me it sounds like you prefer Davis…I may be wrong…but I’d pick a school knowing you have to be there four years, day after day after day.

Here are recent Davis outcomes in BME.

Best of luck.

Majors Data | Internship and Career Center (ucdavis.edu)

Here is the link for UCSD’s career center: Find Jobs and Experience

This is only 1 data point but my best friend’s daughter attended UCSD as a Bioengneering major and graduated 2018 so it has been several years. Academics were top notch but she found the Career center little help in obtaining internships and jobs. She did her job hunting on her own using LinkedIn and landed 2 internships one local and another in Northern California: Summer of Sophomore and Junior year. No one is going to hand you an internship or job. The Career center can prepare you for resume writing and interviews but the legwork needs to be done by the student.

If you are looking at jobs/internships in Calfornia, employers are very familar with both UCSD and UCD so name recognition can only get your so far. It will come down to your job skill set and what you can contribute to the employer.

I agree with @tsbna44 that you should go to the school which you prefer and where you will be happiest. Where you go for Undergrad will not define you, it is what you do with the opportunities you are given that will make you successful.


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