UCD, UCI, UCSD, Statistics program comparision

I’m curious about the difficulty of this three UCs, and what are their cons and pros, like their statistics program research tends, and how would they better than other statistics programs etc. Thanks!

UC Davis by a landslide

UC San Diego is more of data science (essentially CS + Statistics, but the consensus for data science vs. statistics is still argued today).

UC Irvine does have a Statistics program, but it’s very new so that might be a big stretch for one.

UC Davis’ program is well-established, looked-upon nationally, applies to many fields like agriculture, and is one of the three UCs to have a ranked Stats program nationally and globally (from US News). “Prestige” wise of the program, it’s similar to UCLA.

If you want to go to a UC, I highly recommend to apply to UC Berkeley. The best Stats program in the UC system by far. It’s located relatively close to the Silicon Valley, has many companies visit, and arguably the best Stats program in the nation (along with Stanford).

I’m a Stats major looking to get a PhD, BTW

All are very selective and it won’t serve you to fixate on one unless you are a qualified applicant.

Do you have the stats to get in?

My stats is slightly above the average on high school, and I’m trying to pick the school with research and jobs for grad prepare, what would be the best case in my situation?

And wasn’t that uc davis program (the whole program) research tend to biostats and theroical but not useful for job that much?

I am not trying to be mean - but, these schools target the top 5% of HS grads. I am not sure what you mean by slightly above average but, I don’t want you to enter the application cycle with the notion that if you don’t get into the ‘best’ program, your life is ruined. That is simply untrue and there are many great college options for more average students.

To be a competitive freshman applicant, among other things, you’ll need a UC GPA above 4.1 and SAT around 1350.(UCSD is a little more selective than UCI or UCD)

Even if you qualify, you’d be best served by applying to several UCs - then making your selection among those that accept you based on fit and the criteria you outline above.

There’s no shame in being part of the 95% of us who wouldn’t qualify.

What are your current stats.?

UC gpa 3.96
Two sport leadership
Two office job
Only ap Chinese and taking ap stats
Sat 1030 , but should reach 1100 next time
3 recommendations
No ranking in school

@elefish92 do you know if davis stats research tend, and I heard the program good on theroical and biostats, but not good for general and applied stats that much, don’t know it’s true or not

I cannot comment on any specifics for each schools Stats program but I can comment on your possible chances at even getting an acceptance.

Your GPA is within range for these UC’s but your SAT is on the low end (below the 25th percentile) so none of these UC’s would be considered a Match school for you… I suggest you consider retaking the SAT and apply more widely to the UC system.

25th-75th percentiles for SAT:
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1290-1459
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230
UCB: 1280-1490
UCLA: 1280-1500

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

Again is great to research which program would be the best for your interests but you also need to research if you have a chance for an acceptance at these schools.

Best of luck.

Now we are getting somewhere. When it comes to UCSD, you might as well be talking about CalTech and Stanford. I think UCD and UCI will also be a reach. Worth applying but, 30% chance or less unless you have a really compelling back story. If you want to apply to UCSD, CalTech and Stanford, I wouldn’t discourage you… just understand your chances and have a viable alternate at the ready.

UCM, UCR and maybe UCSC are more likely and worth a shot.

SDSU, CPP, CSULB and, if you can bring your SAT up significantly, perhaps CP SLO. All are very good schools. I cant speak to the quality of their stat programs though.
Tour them and check it out for yourself.
Good luck.