<p>Is a UCD education/experience comparable to that of Cal?</p>
<p>not sure if I can make it into Cal seeing as I was denied at UCLA, but got into Davis.</p>
<p>I’ve been hearing a lot of great things about Davis, but I’m not sure if that’s just because they are from biased students/alumni…</p>
<p>Putting aside the prestige Cal has over UCD, how is the education, the college experience, etc. at Davis?</p>
<p>I’m trying to find the silver lining if I get denied to my top choices and have to go to my safety school, please help me out.</p>
<p>Yes, other than the prestige factor, you’ll find that UC Davis has comparable academic rigor to UCB. I’ve never taken any classes there, but I have a few friends who go there and we have similar majors, and are learning pretty much the exact same material. College experience here I can say is great - everyone is extremely nice, and it’s a very easy and fun place to live. I’m sure Berkeley isn’t bad, but I would definitely say from what I’ve heard that Davis has the better atmosphere.</p>
<p>I’ve been wondering the same. I got accepted to both and from what people have been telling me, it sounds like Davis has a better atmosphere, so I’m leaning towards UCD…</p>
<p>I just found out I was accepted, great news, but that makes an even harder decision for me to make. UCB or UCD? I know to a lot of people that would be a no brainer, but after putting some real thought into it, it’s actually really a tough decision. Friendly and good academics vs. competitive and great academics? Amazing, lively area vs. chill, relaxed, and slower-paced area? This is going to be a tough one…</p>
<p>Definitely check out both schools and try to put yourself in the atmosphere.</p>
<p>If it were me, it’d be EXTREMELY difficult to pass over Cal for another UC, but there are many who have done so. My apartment-mate decided Cal was too close to home and chose Davis (she really wanted to go to Stanford, though!).</p>
<p>You have a few weeks to decide… take your time! You don’t get any benefits from submitting your SIR early or anything =]</p>
<p>^ very true, thanks for the advice.</p>
<p>One thing that makes it a difficult decision for me is something I heard about Cal that worries me. I heard that if one wants to be a successful student in the college of engineering, they won’t have a social life. That the course-load is so difficult and the competition so daunting that there will be no time to have any real, crazy college experiences. I want to have time to just be a college student and have fun, not be thrown into a competitive atmosphere that will suck the fun out of everything. This is one thing that Davis might have over Cal, assuming this is true, which I hope isn’t…</p>
<p>^Engineering is definitely tough in both Davis and Cal. But considering the competitive atmosphere in Cal, I would say Davis would not be as daunting for an engineering major. That’s not to say it’s going to be easy. I have friends who are engineering majors and, yes, they said engineer is tough, but at the same time they’re also active in club/social life in Davis.</p>
<p>The best advice I can give is to try to look beyond the rankings and prestige factor. I’m an engineering major at Davis, and I can say that it is indeed tough, but there is no insane competition like I’ve heard there is over at Berkeley. An active sports and social life is totally manageable with an engineering major, as like as you manage your time well. If you have any more questions, please ask. Good luck</p>
<p>Maybe it’s because I grew up in quieter suburbs, but as far as my social life goes, I’d much rather live in a more laid back area, but have an exciting city or two nearby that I can go to when I want to have more fun. It doesn’t really work the other way around; if you live in a big city it’s hard to “escape” just by going to a town. Since you are not as worried about prestige, take this into consideration.</p>
<p>air_war, it depends a lot on what you will be majoring in, and what you want to do after you graduate.</p>
<p>I’m majoring in mechanical engineering, and still have not decided what to do…</p>
<p>I think for engineering either is fine. If you look at the USNews rankings for undergraduate mechanical engineering, it’s a lot of random colleges. If you work hard, do some research with professors, and have a good time, there’s no reason that Berkeley should offer more opportunities than Davis. This goes for both grad school and your first job. At the same time, don’t choose Davis because you are scared of Berkeley, they’re really not that smart =).</p>
<p>It comes down to environment, I think most people consider them equal in that area. Of course I’m biased to Davis so I vote for that.
Visit the campuses and see which you like, and then just work hard and you’re set! Good luck</p>
<p>hehehe, I hope not.</p>
<p>So I’m a NorCal girl also struggling to decide between Cal and UCD. I was extremely happy to get into both schools because I know that the competition this year was fierce. For one thing, I’m a spring admit to Cal, and I’m not sure if that’s going to make a big difference in my college experience. I’ve gotten into the Integrated Honors Program at UCD and they are offering me a one year scholarship. I’m interested in subjects such as English and psychology, and I have heard great things about both schools. What would you suggest? Thank you so much!</p>
<p>Which major are you right now? Can’t say I know too much about either school, but if you post your major we can look at their respective departments. Have you visited either campus yet?</p>
<p>Psychology is the most popular major at UC Davis and my d’s roommate is a Psych major. I hear the program is wonderful. I suggest you visit both schools and take a tour of the English and Psych departments.</p>