UCD vs UCI vs Purdue for CS - all OOS

Which one would be a better choice between UCs and Purdue for CS?

In state, out of state? Which UC?

Whichever is in-state but if it’s Cal it might be worth it even for an OOS student if their goals are not just the vanilla SWE type.

Both are OOS, you say California is a better choice ?

Out of State from Washington. UCD\UCI

In that case, it will depend on the UC. I remember Purdue OOS tuition being pretty reasonable, and the campus is pretty nice. But, its in Indiana and the nearest airport/big city is Indianapolis. Purdue is a very very good CS school.

I don’t know much about UCI but UCD is an excellent school and I suspect UCI will be pretty similar.

All said, Purdue might be cheaper by 20k/yr, and that would rank pretty high in my list of factors to consider.

If a Berkeley admit comes through, then consider if you can afford the additional 20k/yr since Cal can unlock some pretty amazing opportunities, particularly if interested in high-earnings/high entry barrier type industries such as Quant.

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She’s saying Berkeley might be worth the cost.

I would go with Purdue at about 40k out of state over significantly more money at Irvine or Davis. Are there any differences in the CS programs themselves? Is he in the major at all? Requirements to get into the major?

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All are direct admits to CS

I know nothing about the UCs but am happy to answer any Purdue related question you may have.

I can’t see a good reason to pay 50% more for Davis or Irvine over Purdue.


He got 10k scholarship at UCI renewable for 2 years which lowers the cost a little bit but still Purdue is cheaper.

I would go with Purdue if your options are Purdue/UCD/UCI. It’s an outstanding CS school with nice facilities and was in my S22’s final consideration set. He ended up at a UC since we are in-state.


The only reason is ease for us as parents visiting him or he coming back home if he feels homesick if education and opportunities are the same at both places.

Which UC he ended up ? What if we give preference to weather and ease of travel than tuition ? Do the quality of education and job\internship opportunities vary significantly at both places ?

A flight is still a flight though. What’s the difference in travel time and cost?

You can certainly do more than “vanilla type SWE” at Purdue.

At Cal, but honestly in your shoes I would prefer Purdue over UCI/UCD. If there is truly a student fit/family dynamics priority, then you alone can decide if that’s worth the extra tuition. As far as opportunities, he will be fine at Purdue.

What does that mean ?

Will he be fine at UCI too in terms of education and opportunities ?

7 hours vs 3 hours and costs higher for Chicago\Indianapolis. Less Direct flights, airports not nearby.