So I got into both colleges.I can’t seem to pick one because both are great.My major is political science and people say UCSD is rank higher.The thing with UCSD is that I heard it’s socially dead and well I’m a very social person who loves to go out.UC Davis is also a great school and I’ve heard great things about but the change from SoCal and NorCal will be hard if I pick it .The school seemed to be more social and friendly to but ranking no to so much.I was wondering if anyone could tell me which one should I pick?I would really appreciate it .

No one can tell you what to pick. You have to decide for yourself.

Here’s one option that you can consider about Davis: it’s near Sacramento.
My dd who attended Davis had friend in Polisci who were interning at the Capitol. Davis does have a strong relationship with the Capitol-30 minutes down the road.

Even it though it was many years ago, I started at UCSD and truly hated the social vibe and the general feel of the campus–it felt like there was no “there” there, if that makes sense. My social scene was hanging out at University Town Center-- which is the MALL. Truly pathetic. I was an International Relations major. Maybe if I was a math/science kid I would’ve liked it more. Who knows? I ended up transferring to UC Davis and was incredibly happy with the people I met, the town and the academics.

When we went to visit UCSD with my D19, all those total “lonely” feelings came back again. It still felt like there was no there there…all these years later.

I’m not sure what you have heard will be difficult in moving from SoCal to NorCal. You’ll need a good winter jacket, rain boots and a bike. By the time you come home for winter break, you will be saying, “hella.”

Have you visited both places?

you really do need to visit both…

I have visited UC Davis and stayed overnight.I really loved it .I haven’t visit UCSD

Visit UCSD to confirm what you need to decide.