UCD vs. UDSD? Biochem and Cell/Molecular biology for both?

<p>I got in UCD for Biochem and Molecular bio, and Biochem and Cell bio for UCSD, Muir college. </p>

<p>I do intend to be pre-med, and pretty confident about applying to med schools. I would have around 6-8 years of worth of science (all A’s) by the time I graduate high school (leaving out the exact number for privacy).</p>

<p>I’m personally from the Bay Area and have lived in Sacramento before as well so Davis will def. be closer, although factors other than academics are not really important to me. And yes, I know the beach vs. cow thing ;)</p>

<p>From what I’ve researched so far, UCSD is slightly better than Davis, and the name is definitely more well-known. </p>

<p>Part of the reason that’s making my choice difficult is laboratory and shadowing experience. I heard it’s pretty hard and competitive to get internships for SD (about 80 competing for 1 position) whereas Davis has its whole Med Hopital System in Sac. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance! </p>

<p>They’re both really great schools and they’re both very well known. I think UCD is a good place to study Biochem/Molecular Bio because it has that great medical center, especially if you want to pursue pre-med.</p>

<p>PLUS UCD has great internship/volunteer/career opportunities. And everyone is super friendly and accommodating. :)</p>

<p>Congrats! Both are great schools. Muir is supposed to be the res college, so I’d choose UCSD just based on that.
Both SD and Davis have their own medical centers. Finding research and shadowing experience shouldn’t be a problem at either school. There probably are a lot of people competing for research positions, but that applies to both campuses.</p>