UCDavis vs UCSB - engineering

<p>Deciding between UCDavis vs UCSB for Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>Any comments on the pros and cons of one or the other. This is an openended question to gather information, but here are a few items of interest:

  • undergrad research projects & opportunites
  • quality of professors - education, connections to industry etc
  • career services for undergrads / quality of companies that come on campus to recruit undergrads
  • getting into grad school
  • good college experience - balance of academic and social; easy to fit in & have social life; extracurriculars etc.</p>

<p>college is all about the experience, so just go to UCSB!!!</p>



<p>[Department</a> of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering](<a href=“http://mae.ucdavis.edu/general/index.html]Department”>http://mae.ucdavis.edu/general/index.html)</p>

<p>For UCD here is the website
[Department</a> of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering](<a href=“http://mae.ucdavis.edu/programs/u_studies/]Department”>http://mae.ucdavis.edu/programs/u_studies/)</p>

[Department</a> of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering](<a href=“http://mae.ucdavis.edu/research/]Department”>Faculty & Research | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | UC Davis Engineering)</p>

[Department</a> of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering](<a href=“http://mae.ucdavis.edu/classes/]Department”>Course Schedules | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | UC Davis Engineering)</p>

<p>new and events
[Mechanical</a> and Aeronautical Engineering: News](<a href=“http://news.engineering.ucdavis.edu/mae/]Mechanical”>http://news.engineering.ucdavis.edu/mae/)</p>

<p>My son is a CE major and he has made lots of friends, joined a fraternity, and played intramural sports and club water polo.</p>

<p>Sorry, but Im just going to have to say UCD > UCSB in engineering. =)</p>

<p>Yeah, it is. UCSB has a good physics department, but haven’t heard much about their engineering.</p>

<p>Both schools have great engineering programs. US News actually ranked them both the same (#35) for undergraduate engineering.</p>