UCF Applications for Fall 2024

That means accepted ‘only if’ he attends summer semester. If he’s in engineering or education (and I am sure other majors), it might mean they will offer him an opportunity for a special summer program.

Yes, my daughter was accepted last night.

My sons had an application change in the portal they changed him from summer 2024 (he applied for that) to reviewing him for Fall 2024. Has anyone heard of this before? Please advise. Thanks in advance

Hi, I just received a deferral from UCF for summer of 2024. TBH this was a reach school but I’m still feeling incredibly bummed. I applied super early.

“ The Admissions Committee has completed an initial review of your application. **At this time a final admission decision has been deferred to allow you the opportunity to submit additional SAT, ACT or CLT test scores.

The applicant pool for this year is very strong, and increasing your test score may increase your competitiveness in the applicant pool and may impact your eligibility for merit and other financial aid.

The Admissions Committee will reevaluate your application for admission after new test scores are received. UCF operates on rolling admission and decisions are released through May 1.”

Does anyone know more about the deferral process? Am I placed at the back of line now to be reevaluated around regular decision time?

I honestly don’t know if I can get up my SAT score. I take the CLT on the 18th (b/c I received a free waiver).

Does this message mean that’s the only thing they want from me and test improvement is my only shot or can I include my report card also?

I have a 3.85 unweighted
5.5 weighted
Heavily competitive school 104/357
SAT 1130
4 AP courses & 27 dual enrollment credits
Photography internship
Keyclub/Art club/NHS/library services
350 volunteer hours
Artwork has been featured in national magazine and contests
Local art awards…

Thank you to anyone with knowledge on this.

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They already have your report card info. You would have entered that in Sparks when you applied. And I’m sure you put your ECs as part of your application or essay as well. So yes, the final step is a better test score.

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Your “weighted” GPA should be calculated using the UCF scheme. It is impossible to have more than a 5.0…and that would require every single class to be AICE/IB/DE.

“Your GPA is recalculated based on the academic core courses (only English, math, science, social studies and foreign language). UCF uses a 4.0 grading scale, and also awards additional quality points for any weighted courses within the academic core. Courses marked as pre-AP, pre-IB, pre-AICE and honors are given an additional 0.5 quality point. Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced International Certification of Education (AICE) and Dual Enrollment (DE) courses are given 1 additional quality point.”

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Does anyone know when merit comes out?

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Would you be willing to share his stats?

UCF Admits “Automatics” First. Yes, I know they don’t say that, but they do.
All others are deferred.
Automatics are FL Residents that meet Bright Futures Scholarship Awarding
First Round) SAT 1340/ACT 29, 3.5 UW GPA, 100 Service or Paid Hours
Later Rounds) SAT 1210/ACT 25 3.0 UW GPA 75 Service or 100 Paid
Deferrals - Anything less

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My daughter received the following. I called admissions yesterday and we got 2 different interpretations of what it means. First person said she has to wait to submit her final transcripts in May for an answer (which I don’t even think they will be ready before May 1)… the 2nd person told me it looks like its still under review and it should update with an actual decision soon. Anyone know from experience? Status still says Submitted and nothing showing missing in her checklist.

Status Update

The Admission Committee has completed an initial review of your application file. On your application, you indicated you will be earning your high school diploma and an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree through dual enrollment from a community college, state college, or university in the Florida College System (FCS) or State University System (SUS).

***At this time, the Admissions Committee is requesting copies of your official college/university transcripts for evaluation under [Florida Board of Governors (FLBOG) Regulation 6.005 . Students considered for admission under this regulation must:

  • *Be on track to earn the A.A. degree at the same time as their high school diploma
  • *Provide evidence of the A.A. being earned prior to the start of summer or fall classes
  • *Will be considered First-Time-In-College (FTIC) students at UCF for financial aid, orientation and housing purpose

The Admissions Committee will reevaluate your application after all official college transcripts are received. UCF operates on rolling admission and decisions are released through May 1.

PLEASE NOTE: If you will NOT be earning an A.A. through dual enrollment, please email us at uaoperations@ucf.edu so we can update your application file.

I do not work for UCF but do know that regulation 6.005 is just going into place this year so they could just be working out how the process will work for this subset of students.

Did you send your transcript from the dual enrollment school yet for the classes you have completed? Maybe that is what they are waiting for? Just a thought

She did. It is checked that they have been received as well. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I applied to UCF on 10/27, but they did not receive my official SAT scores until 11/03. I applied for fall of 2024 semester, but was accepted for summer of 2024 semester 11/07. Has this happened to anyone else and has anyone been able to successfully change their starting semester? Thank you for the help!

They will offer a summer start to students that are not competitive enough for a fall start. It’s an alternate entry instead of a rejection. Unless they say you need a special in person program, you can usually just do an online 6 week class to satisfy the summer start.

i applied on august 31 and STILL HAVENT HEARD BACK. has anyone else had this issue?

i applied on august 31st and STILL HAVENT HEAR FROM THEM. im so frustrated and evertime i call or email them they say “we have all your documents you need to be patient” yeah obv i do ,but everyone i know has heard back from them and one of my friendss applied 3 days ago and got ACCEPTED ALREADY!

What are your stats and instate or OOS? How do your stats compare to your friends that heard?

i am in state 3.4 gpa 1130 sat im hispanic and my father went to ucf

and they have slightly higher gpa and lower SAT than me