<p>So I'm a junior and really interested to attend UCF. I see people right essays when they submit there forms and what not. I'm still learning everything but I need to learn quick, because I want to apply during the summer, of this year. I have a few questions</p>
<p>1) When do you send your essay in? Do you submit it online?
2) I really dont have any money, would finacial aide be my friend? Or should I find away to pay for everything.
3) When do you get the prompt for your essay app and when should you start writing it.</p>
<p>I probably have more questions, Im getting pretty excited but getting nervous that UCF is getting tighter on its admissions. I started off my frshman year horribly by taking intensive reading and such. But I relized that path I was taking and slowly moved back up over the years now I'm going to be taking alot of honor courses for my senior year. Hopefully they will see gradual improvement, and not just deny me cause I did poorly my immature years haha.</p>
<p>1.) When you do your admissions application, there will be a few essay questions, (and if I remember correctly) you choose two of the questions and write like 500 words each. It’s not hard at all. So yes you submit it online. And you send the application in ASAP (when they become available…which I think would be in august).
2.) Financial Aid loves you. No seriously. I have 0 money for college and will be getting enough F.A. & scholarships (ala bright futures) to cover my tuition, housing, books, and food. Start filling out the FAFSA as soon as it becomes available (January 1st?), and get on your parents to do their taxes. Then completely submit the FAFSA when they are done. The university will also offer you loans if they think your financial aid doesn’t cover your necessities.
3.) Kinda sorta said this in 1. Your essay prompt will be in your admissions application, which would be available online. TBH I wrote a fairly good “essay” within an hour. Had my English teacher proofread it the next day, and then turned my completed application in.
Turn in your app as soon as you can. Colleges like to know that they are your No.1 priority.
They also like to see the improvement that you mentioned and that heavy senior year workload.
Good luck. =)</p>
<p>Wow!! Thanks for the exact answers Ive been searching for! Im going to save this in a word document of all the things I wanted to know so I can look back on it and use it as a guide. Hahaha you really dont know how much info that just gave me.
- Anyways, Im getting the applications thing a little corrupt. Like if I apply this year in the summer does that mean Ill be accpted in the summer of my senior year after I graduate. Or does it apply as a fall app?
-Also if I do get accepted do I stay at the school though the whole year or just during summers?
-That is awesome that your getting all this finacial aid! I really hope I can apply for this, UCF for some reason appeals to me then all the other Florida schools.
- I’m so lucky I have an english teacher that loves me, haha plus she helps TONS of students with writing great recommondation letters.
- So when I apply (in august) is that when I should star filling out forms and get my essay topic? Or is that when I should turn everything in I want to turn everything in the day of. I want to show them im eager to get in.
Sorry for long post btw</p>
<p>-You will fill out your application in either August/September when it becomes available. You can choose which term to apply for on it. You will put in either Fall 2012, or Summer 2012, ect…
[University</a> of Central Florida Academic Calendar - Summer 2011](<a href=“http://www.registrar.sdes.ucf.edu/calendar/academic/2011/summer/]University”>http://www.registrar.sdes.ucf.edu/calendar/academic/2011/summer/)
-If you choose to do summer term, you can pick between like 4. The link above will give you a rough estimate of when they start during the year. After summer term you will have a brief break and then move on to Fall term at the end of August. Look at the calendar, it’s helpful to see what kind of breaks you’ll be having depending on the term you apply for. (Though remember, that calendar is for this year! =))
-When you apply (Yes in August or September) your essay topic(s) (there will be about 5, and you pick two) will be on the application. So when you get to the topics you press the save button and you can come back to it later after you’ve written your essays. Once you’re ready to turn them in go back to your app and copy&paste them into the space.
- If you plan on living on-campus it is also beneficial to apply early, and turn in your housing deposit early to save you a space so you can get the room type you want.
No problem, don’t stress too much!! =)</p>
<p>-Ok sweet sounds pretty simple now. Just got to make sure I stay on top of things!
-ok I heard you need to do a summer term in the first place before graduating so at least I can get that out of the way. I thought that if you applied for summer your incoming year you take courses in the summer throughout your years at college. Guess not huh?
-Ok Im starting to get it now. I feel like I missed a lot of research I shouldve done and instead of doing little by little through my junior year.
Once I plan on submittin my app do I gather all the info I need like teacher recomdations, guidance recomdation my service hourse and whatnot turned in with the app or mail them in?
Whats a good estimate for community service?</p>
<p>I do plan on housing is it hard to apply for what you want? I plan on going to live on campus first you then fid an apt if I get a part time job or sometin my sophyear.</p>
<p>Ima take it you got accepted there or turned in your stuff already? If you dont attend already when you gunna find out if you got accpeted?</p>
<li>About the summer term thing, I’ve really got no idea, you’ll have to wait for someone that knows. I only know about the app and fafsa because I’ve done it, but I’ll be entering fall term so… =)</li>
<li>Teacher recs aren’t required. And the people I know haven’t done them. But if you think your app is lacking in some ways you might as well do them I guess. I didn’t do them so I’ve got no idea tbh.</li>
<li>My HS requires 75hrs of community service to graduate, not sure about yours? I have 150 or so because I was in the I.B. program but switched schools, so I didn’t need so many hours…</li>
<li>Your community service hours will be on your transcript that your HS sends in. (In my school we need to go the guidance office when we start applying and tell them the schools we want our transcripts sent to). Make sure your HS has your volunteer hours though.</li>
<li>When you take your ACTs or SATs you were or will be given the chance to send the scores to the University for free. If you do it too late they have a fee of about $10-$15 per school I think.</li>
<li>I’m not sure, I sent in my housing early December because I was waiting on a friend who I wanted to be roommates with. We won’t see if we got our #1 choice until early June. I plan to get an apartment my sophomore year also. I want to get adjusted to the school my first year, so that’s a good idea.
Yeah, I got accepted back in November (had to send my transcripts in twice, so it took them awhile I guess) after turning in my app in late September. It seems that if you apply earlier it takes them about 3 weeks or less (after you’ve got everything into them) for them to give you a verdict.</li>
<li>Ok yea I heard u gotta complete one summer course before gradutatng or you dont graduate on time or sometin I dunno Ill ask ucf directly when I tour it.
-well I think teacher rec would help me cause of my low gpa right now ill do everything to make sure that they will review me as a hard worker and not a slacker as I was my frshman year.
-yeaaaaa welll we dont need any to graduate I wish it did, I didnt relize I needed them untill December of this year. I need to get on that Quick! I have zero hours!!! :0</li>
<p>-Ok yea I already have the sat going to ucf once they get online I wish they put them up sooner just 5 more days!!?? Im so anxious to see what I got. I did terrbiel on my act. I had a coughing attack since I was sick and didnt bring a calculator soo I think those factors brought my score down at least 3-5 points then what I couldve done
-hahaha thats alot of waiting, I think you will get your choice though December is pretty early after knowing u got accepted in November. I did my reserach for aparments around UCF and its quite cheaper then living on campus. Would scholorships and grants pay for these?
-I plan to apply the day it opens, I just need my service hours. Tis is gunna be a lonnnnggg summer for me. I have to take a class online so I can boost my gpa even further.</p>
<p>one more thing hows the campus in your opinion. I tak it you already toured the area? Do people go to the theme parks during breaks and such?</p>
<p>If you have at least 9 credit hours from AP/IB/CLEP/AICE you aren’t required to go during the summer.</p>
<li>I think if the apartments are UCF Affiliated then you can use your scholarships/aid for the rent. You’ll have to make sure though with the apartment. If you have leftover money from the pell grant, they give it to you…so you can use that for the rent I guess also. You’ll have the chance to ask loads of Qs when you take a visit. =)</li>
<li>The campus is B-A-EAUTIFUL. I loved it a lot. I’ll be getting a annual pass to Universal/Islands of Adventure with my friend, so we plan on making trips there a lot. haha. I’m sure a lot of people do. There is so much to do in Orlando.
^ - If you don’t you need 9 credit hours during the summer (which is basically 3 classes).</li>
<p>Dam well looks like im gunna have to take a summer course, I havent taken any AP classes or anything else besides honor courses
I feel so behind even though I caught up quite a bit. Im thinking of taking AP pshycology. Or AP enviremntal I think taking at least 1 ap course would make me look better overall.
-Alright thats awesome! Ive been just searchin the area for aparments around UCF and found that Jefferson village seems reasonable and is one of the safer ones. Plus they have a shuttle. But I rather stay on campus just to make some friends for my freshman year if I do get accepted that is.
- ugghhghghh that makes me want to go that much more! Ive been traveling to orlando since I was a kid every other summer I had a blast everytime I went. We had to stop from the downfall of the economy. But Id never think of going to school in that area. That would be awesome.</p>