UCF Honors Application- Letters of Rec

<p>Is it better for me to include my recommendation letters with my application? If so, should they be folded up in separate envelopes with my name and birth date on the front of each? Should I write anything else on the envelopes?</p>

<p>Under additional materals:</p>

<p>Additional materials ... such as letters of recommendation are encouraged, and may be included with this application or sent to us separately at the appropriate address. Please be sure to include your name and birth date on each separate item for identification purposes.</p>

<p>I would really appreciate any help you could offer! Thanks! :D</p>

<p>I believe if you are submitting a paper app they all could go in one envelope with your name and birth date on each one to be safe… thats how I did my transcripts. I would think multiple envelopes = more chances of lost material…</p>

<p>But ananymous do you by any chance know when the lead scholars application comes out/are recieved? Were they in you acceptance letter?</p>

<p>Ok thank you so much! :D</p>

<p>No sorry :/. I’m very interested too! Nothing was said in my acceptance letter nor was my honors app included. I requested the honors app early and got it before my acceptance letter. I’m also looking to apply to the EXCEL program…I think that app comes out Nov. 1st or something.</p>

<p>No porblem! </p>

<p>Yessir November first for EXCEL, and mid/late November for LEAD (I emailed one of the senior members)</p>

<p>Ok great! Thanks! :D</p>

<p>Porblem… (facepalm lol)</p>

<p>I’m just ready to recieve my cash offer. Have you gotten yours yet?</p>

<p>No I haven’t… I’m trying to figure out how I can update my test results… as I scored 60 points higher on my SAT- this makes a difference for USF scholarships and I’m aiming for Provost from UCF.</p>

<p>I believe you just send it to them…then they update your account. You might have to let them know you score higher as well though</p>

<p>How should I go about letting them know I scored higher? My new scores were sent 2 days ago…waiting for updates.</p>

<p>I believe you would either email the scholarship email thing or the admissions (which wouldnt make sense being accepted already)</p>

<p>Okey… I’m going to call admissions anyway… tomorrow… since I am missing scores from under Test Scores in “admission status.”</p>

<p>How should I maintain confidentiality of my letters of recs? if my teachers are handing them to me?</p>

<p>Not sure on that… I would guess sealed envelope? I think the letter of rec its just more important to have the person sign and leave contact info for verification… BTW did you end up sending everything in together or different envelops?</p>

<p>I plan to send in everything together… It ended up with my teacher signing across the seal of the envelope. I think that works! I haven’t done my honors app yet… hehe busy applying to other scholarships.</p>

<p>ACT: 28
GPA: 4.86 or 3.97
Rank: 3/450
Beta Club
Spanish NHS Secretary
Key Club Historian
Youth Group
Science NHS
287 Community Service hours
All IB classes for 4 years
4 AP exams, 3 on all of them
Only worried about my ACT score…</p>

<p>I got in with I had 660 Math, 700 CR, 680 Writing, 9 SAT Essay, 29 ACT, 3.69 UW GPA, 4.09 Weighted GPA, 100 hours of volunteer service, 1 club (Mu Alpha Theta). 4 AP Stat, 4 AP Psych. </p>

<p>As for the letters, I just stuck them in with the application, no envelope or anything.</p>

<p>Im nervous bout admittance, 1320 cr+m, 1880 total,28 act, 200 plus volunteering. plenty of clubs and sports, 3 on AP World history, 4 on APUSH and Lang/Comp, 5 on AP bio.</p>

<p>Martin> I think you have a good chance. Your stats are very similar to mine! Did you take the SAT? I liked the ACT better than the SAT, but I found out that I did worse my second time round on ACT. Find out just now. -_- Had a 31 now 30 grr. But my SAT- took it three times went from 19–(don’t remember) to 2040 to 2110. Definitely take or retake! </p>

<p>Wisdome93> Thank you for your wise words! :D</p>

<p>sifantic> your cr + m is really good! I think you have a good chance too, but it doesn’t hurt to retake the SAT! Nice one for AP bio! I’m in it right now. xD I only have one 5 and that’s in APES and one 4 in English lang… but I’m hoping for 5 in bio too!</p>

<p>haha yeah bio is a pretty interesting exam. study your ass off for the multiple choice! i pretty much left an entire frq blank and still got a 5</p>

<p>AWESOME! :smiley: I’ve been lately doing better on m/c for unit tests. Good sign, thanks!</p>