UCF vs. FSU for Computer Science

Hi - DS is to decide between UCF and FSU as a Computer Science major. Sounds like the FSU program may be less pressure, but the UCF has more opportunities? Fact that FSU has a more traditional campus does not matter to him. Can anyone speak to the quality of either of the programs, including the required math classes (heard the Calc classes at UCF are notoriously poorly taught in large part with very low pass rates.)

I assume the answer is “no” but want to check because it changes things - did he get into either Honors college?

Did he take BC in HS and will start in Calc2? (Calc2 is often a weedout class about everywhere).

If not, then FSU - UCF is still dealing with growing very fast and CS is a major that grows very fast, so one amplifies the other, making it less likely to have advising, 1st year program oversight, etc.
(On the other hand, UCF treats its Honors students very very well, mitigating any issue).

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