UCF's Burnett Honors College - good for humanities or primarily for STEM?

Hi starting to create a college list for my daughter. Interested in the Burnett Honors College at UCF, but wondering if it’s primarily geared towards students in STEM? Daughter is super into history and political science and wants to either go into academia or law school. Thanks for any feedback.

My student doesn’t go to UCF but I see nothing to indicate a STEM focus.

Usually it’s the STEM kids like mine who avoid these because they are typically humanities focus.
You could always email the program to confirm.

Good luck.

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UCF Honors has a ton of Math, engineering and computer science courses for the stem kids, especially for their first couple years. So not only do they count towards the Honors Diploma, they are very small classes.

She can look at the typical course offerings and the Interdisciplinary Course Offerings by semester to get an idea of what is offered.

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I’m sure. Most have major classes.

But typically the ‘honors’ curriculums are writing and humanity based.

I’m sure there’s info on line.

I was just pointing out it’s likely it’s not just STEM kids. But OP can ask.

I think UCF Honors may be a bit more unusual- over 70% of the Honors College are stem majors, so it does have more focus that way than other schools might.


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