Full video found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0Wr0X8JrDU
News report found here: https://www.chicagomaroon.com/article/2020/1/22/zimmer-davos/
It’s interesting how the US News rankings come up right at the start of the discussion. Nice how the moderators got this year’s ranking wrong - they kept talking about Chicago being in the “top 3 - 5,” while this year, we’re #6. This also doesn’t bode well for the future - I doubt that Chicago will get another top 3 ranking for some time.
Further, Zimmer really seemed to mesh Chicago with the realities of the time ("[Chicago] had a series of stories it was telling itself that were not true…"). I think some of those “stories” were that rankings don’t matter, and that practical applications or pre-professional pursuits are outside the wheelhouse of the U.
Another interesting tidbit - when the accounting is done, the campaign will have raised in the range of $5.5 Billion. This is a nice sum, but still woefully short of what the U. needs (I said this elsewhere, but to match the U.'s aspirations and kick its debts, it probably needs in the range of a $20B endowment).
Anyway, the “Academic Ivy” is in motion…