As basic as this is, I really need an outside un-biased opinion about this. I will give my credentials below (I’m going to be somewhat vague since this is the internet) and I would really love some feedback about my chances! Thanks so much for reading in advance.
UGPA: 3.5
School: small liberal arts college in the south
Year: Rising Junior (2015-2016)
LSAT: Only have taken practice tests and have gotten scores between 168-171 (taken about 8 practice tests)
Major(s): Political Science and Economics
Minor(s): Political Economy and Pre-Law
Internships: (5 internships completed) worked for the governor as a lead intern on re-election campaign, worked on state representative campaigns, Guardian Ad Litem (volunteer child advocate services), district aid intern for state representatives, and several personal injury law firms.
Honor Societies: Phi Alpha Delta (Pre-Law Honors Society), Phi Eta Sigma (Freshman Honor Society), Delta Sigma Pi (Professional Business Fraternity), Omicron Delta Kappa (National Honor Society), Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science Honor Society), and Phi Alpha Theta (History Honor Society)
Extra Curricular Activities: published journal articles through SAGE Publications, Exec board for Model United Nations, participated and won awards for Model Senate, started Mock Trial Association on my campus, participated and won awards for Model Arab League, help found AIPAC on my campus, junior achievement (going to a tier 1 school and teaching middle school students about making smart business decisions), on a Geico Academy advisory board for one of the local high schools to find resources for high school students to take more business classes, and member of College Republicans. I’m on the executive council for a majority of these organizations but I didn’t want to get into too much detail.
Weaknesses: Low GPA and small liberal arts school (maybe not enough internships?)
Possibly writing an addendum for low GPA due to the semester it went from a 4.0 to a 3.2 because I was involved in a car accident that temporarily paralyzed me from the waist down and I was gone a lot due to surgeries and what not. Should I do that?